Landscape Photography
Grand Traverse Bay West Arm Marinas from NW - Summer 2021
This aerial photo along Grand Traverse Bay was taken on a summer morning in July 2021 from north of the marinas facing southeast towards Traverse City.
Bowers Harbor near Traverse City Aerial Photo from NE - 2021
Bowers Harbor is located on Old Mission Peninsula on the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay, about 10 miles North of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County. This aerial photo was taken northeast of the harbor on a summer day in 2021.
Bowers Harbor is located on Old Mission Peninsula on the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay, about 10 miles North of Traverse City in Grand Traverse County. This aerial photo was taken northeast of the harbor on a summer day in 2021.
Prints are available to purchase by clicking the on the image above or by visiting
Mission Point Lighthouse near Traverse City Aerial Photo from North - 2021
This is an aerial photo of the Mission Point Lighthouse near Traverse City taken on a summer day in 2021.
This is an aerial photo of the Mission Point Lighthouse near Traverse City taken on a summer day in 2021.
Prints are available to purchase by clicking the on the image above or by visiting
Traverse City Aerial Photo from Northwest
This aerial photo of Traverse City was taken from northwest of the city over the waters of the West Arm of the Grand Traverse Bay on a sunny afternoon.
This aerial photo of Traverse City was taken from northwest of the city over the waters of the West Arm of the Grand Traverse Bay on a sunny afternoon.
Prints are available to purchase by clicking the on the image above or by visiting