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Photography Economics 101: Business Models for Real Estate Photographers

Over the years I have thought a lot about various business models for real estate media providers, because while I was pursuing one particular business model I regularly observed other photographers (and “photography chain” businesses) who operated under different models. I occasionally thought, “Am I pursuing the right business model? Should I think about changing models in the future? What do I ultimately want to pursue?”

I wrote this article because when I first started I would have benefitted from thinking through my photography business goals. In addition, once my schedule was full of photoshoots I should have reassessed sooner and made major adjustments to my business model.

I got my first real estate photography job in 2012, before I had a registered business or a website. Starting out part-time, I made my business official and launched my website in 2013, which became my full-time career in 2015. It all started when a realtor I knew asked me to try to shoot a house for a very low rate, then I showed those photos to another realtor who had me start doing their photos as well. I got a small portfolio together and made a website, and boom… a career is born! I suspect this is how it begins for many real estate photographers. I am thankful it worked out because before my first photoshoots were handed to me I never would have thought I could make a career out of photography!

Over the years I have thought a lot about various business models for real estate media providers because while I was pursuing one particular business model I regularly observed other photographers (and “photography chain” businesses) who operated under different models. I occasionally thought, “Am I pursuing the right business model? Should I think about changing models in the future? What do I ultimately want to pursue?”

I wrote this article because when I first started I would have benefitted from thinking through my photography business goals. In addition, once my schedule was full of photoshoots I should have reassessed sooner and made major adjustments to my business model.

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Note: When I use the word “photographer” I am including those who provide video, aerial, and 360 tours for simplicity.

In this article, I’ll be discussing the following topics:

  • Getting Started: An individual photographer that is focused on getting their first clients, building a portfolio, and getting comfortable with a basic photoshoot & editing workflow

  • The Quantity Model: The individual photographer who takes multiple photoshoots per day by being simple, quick, & efficient (i.e. more jobs, competitive prices)

  • The Photography Group or Photography Chain Model: The photography business who employs multiple photographers and editors in an effort to create a scalable business (i.e. many jobs, competitive prices, multiple high-quantity photographers)

  • Appeal vs. Awareness

  • The Sliding Scale of Quantity vs. Quality

Let’s get to it! =)

Getting Started as an Individual Photographer

When you are just starting out as a real estate photographer, you will have the weakest portfolio of your career, the least experience of your career, the fewest contacts of your career, and the worst website with the fewest internet views of your career. Everything is new, including your photography business! Since you are just getting started, you should be building a portfolio and trying to figure out how to get your first clients by offering something they don’t currently have. That could something like lower rates, extra services (free aerials!), or a great personal relationship (such as offering to work for a friend or family member who is a realtor).

When I first started, I got my first two clients by offering the following things:

  • I had acceptable professional equipment (simply owning a tripod and a DSLR camera in 2013 made my photos higher quality than realtors shooting houses themselves, and phone cameras were not very good then)

  • The realtors knew me, so trust and a relationship had already been established

  • I offered lower prices than the most popular real estate photography “chain” in my market

  • I showed up to jobs reliably (this is important)

  • Good availability (usually this is easy to offer when you are first starting)

I have heard & read comments from other photographers that DO NOT recommend competing with low prices when you are getting started, but it is important to realize that you will not be able to charge the same prices as someone who has a more established portfolio, website, skillset, and client list than you. Some established photographers are afraid that if new photographers offer lower rates, it will drag everyone’s rates down. I disagree with this notion in most situations and markets. The only way a new person with low rates can drive other established photographers’ prices down is if the new person is offering just as much as an established photographer and somehow manages to convince a high number of potential clients to use them instead, but that will rarely (if ever) be the case! Even if an established photographer’s images are only as good as a brand new photographer (which is hopefully unlikely), the established photographer still should have a bigger & more diverse portfolio, more client contacts, more client relationships, more established trust, and more website visits, which should cause them to offer higher rates than a new photographer.

An established photographer should always be finding ways to increase the appeal of their services over what a new photographer could offer. Otherwise, how could a photographer stay in business if any new photographer that comes along can offer the same products at a lower rate?

Offering lower rates than others in your market is typically only a temporary tool used for people who are just trying to get started. The longer you are a photographer, the more your portfolio, website, skillset, and client list will grow and improve. As a result of becoming established over time, you will find that having prices that are too low will either create too much demand for you to handle, or they might be too low to be profitable enough for your business to be sustainable. In my opinion, trying to compete long-term by offering low quality images and low rates is nearly impossible, unless you are interested in “duking it out” with any other new person that comes along with low rates as they try to break into your market. To become an established photographer with a profitable & enjoyable business, you will have to develop a skill set and offer services that most realtors & new photographers cannot easily replicate. One straightforward advantage you could have is getting your FAA Part 107 certification. Just by having a license to operate a drone commercially means that you have something that most realtors and some photographers do not have, and they have a reason to hire you for aerial real estate photography work.

We will discuss rates again later on. For now, what do you think you could offer a realtor that would get you your first job?

Non-Business Relationships?

Do you have any family members or close friends who are realtors? This could get you your first job.

“Aunt Sally, who do you use for your real estate photography? Oh, a photography chain? I could shoot one of your vacant listings and give you a lower rate than what you’re paying now. What do you think?”

If Aunt Sally says yes, you’ve got your first job and the start of a portfolio!

The Door-to-Door Approach

You could bring flyers advertising your services & rates to large real estate offices, even though they probably have photographers they’ve used before. Whether a realtor uses an individual photographer or a photography chain, there are times when they may have to use an alternate! Other individual photographers might not always have immediate availability, or maybe the realtors want to try someone cheaper than a photography chain. Real estate offices often use multiple photography providers so they can be familiar with the various options at various price points, and have backup plans if someone isn’t available.

Social Media Messaging & Announcements

You could announce your intentions of starting a photography career on social media. Maybe one of your social media connections is a realtor and is willing to try a low cost photography option, even if you’re just getting started. You could also direct message realtors that aren’t yet connections and try to offer something they might be interested in, like discounts or the first job free. Hopefully you could get a phone call or in-person meeting to establish a relationship. Offering the first job free might be an option if you are simply trying to get your first portfolio images.

Speaking of social media, did you know you can make free accounts on many different websites? The more websites you create business accounts on, the more people can find you and your business offerings.

You can make free accounts or business pages on: (Warning! - they will probably call and email you frequently to try to get you to pay them for leads)

Starting Rates for New High-Quantity Oriented Individuals

Probably the easiest and most obvious way to decide what rates to offer as a brand new photography business is to figure out what others are charging in your market. If you are relatively new and trying to get your first portfolio images, you will probably want to set lower rates than your market at first. Since most photography chain businesses and many individual photographers present prices on their website, market rates are pretty easy to figure out! All you have to do is do an internet search for:

< Insert a nearby city here > real estate photography

I am typing this article in January 2021, and I found a number of photography chains and individuals near me in Michigan who display their prices on their websites. You will definitely want to check prices for your own region.

It looks like right now there are multiple photographers and photography groups offering 15-20 photos for around $100-150. The photos offered at those rates are the high-speed, “minimal effort” variety, where the photographer is probably at the house for less than an hour. Aerial photos are around $150-200, and 360 tours and walk-through videos are around $200-300. Most of them have discounts if you bundle multiple services.

So if I was just starting out and saw that these were typical rates in my market, I could charge $80 (temporarily) for 15-20 photos to get some experience and start building a portfolio. Remember… you will not want to be a low priced, low quality photographer for the long haul! Your goal should be to increase the appeal of your photos, website, services, and skillset over time and adjust rates upward as demand for your services increase. You might not even be profitable if you undercut your market… you want to get your portfolio and website built up so you can raise your rates and establish a profitable business.

The High Quantity Business Model

Many individual photographers operate profitable businesses by quickly and efficiently producing images that are better than what most realtors or homeowners could produce. When I think of a photographer who is a “high quantity” real estate photographer, I think of someone who can do multiple photoshoots a day and dozens of photoshoots per month. This model works best when you offer most of or all of the following:

  • Good composition in your real estate images

  • Good choices about what to photograph

  • In-focus, sharp images

  • Controlled dynamic range via multiple ambient (natural light) exposures and possibly a flash-lit exposure

  • Photo quality that is *at least* better than what a realtor or homeowner could produce

  • Competitive pricing

  • Good availability (ability to schedule a photoshoot when realtors and homeowners prefer)

  • Enjoyable interactions with realtors and/or homeowners (homeowners tell the realtor that you are a nice person to have walking around their house taking photos)

  • Reliability (show up to jobs!)

  • Quick photoshoots (you aren’t at the photoshoot location for longer than the clients would prefer)

  • Quick photo turnaround time (send the finished photos to the realtor as quick as they would like)

  • Easy scheduling

  • Easy invoicing

A photography business can become profitable using the “quantity model” fairly quickly, since it only requires a basic setup and less complex technique than a “high effort” photographer. If you have an APS-C or full-frame sensor camera, a wide angle lens, a tripod, and Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop, you have enough tools to produce better images than what most realtors would produce with their phone cameras. Although phone cameras are catching up, you can still produce more compelling images by composing your shots well (which takes practice), providing level images with straight vertical lines, exposure bracketing, and doing a bit of post-processing.

Most photographers who are just starting out will want to work on the aspects of this business model mentioned above as they learn more about their photography workflow. It will take practice to improve in many areas, especially composition and post-processing. This model & workflow is probably the most common starting point for a real estate photography business. Once you get comfortable and fairly efficient you can start deciding if you’d like to stay in this model as an individual, hire additional photographers & editors who use the same processes to scale into the group/chain model, or pursue higher quality images and higher-end work with advanced lighting setups as a “high effort” photographer.

A lot of high quantity individual photographers end up outsourcing their editing once they find their schedules loaded up with photoshoots.

Pros of the High-Quantity Individual Business Model (vs. High-Effort, Low-Quantity)

  • Editing can be quick & simple, or even outsourced to a photo editing company

  • You can handle a high quantity of jobs and say “yes” to lots of clients

  • You can offer competitive pricing and still be profitable

  • You could expand by hiring additional photographers who adhere to the same efficient process and scale your business

  • You can use minimal or no lighting equipment

  • Photoshoots are quick

Cons of the High-Quantity Individual Business Model (vs. High-Effort, Low-Quantity)

  • A high number of other photographers in your area could have a similar style or level of quality, causing you to compete on price

  • Your portfolio won’t be as suited to attract higher-end clients

  • Focusing on speed and quantity doesn’t allow as much time to create your own unique style

  • As phone cameras continue to improve, there will be less of a difference between your images and a realtor’s phone

  • You won’t learn as much about lighting subjects or complex spaces with flash

  • You won’t learn as many advanced Photoshop techniques if you’re focusing on speed

  • You won’t be as easily adaptable to other photography genres if you try to get into portraits or landscapes later on

Maintaining or Adjusting Rates as an Established High-Quantity Photographer

To think about what photography rates a high-quantity photographer should be charging, we have to think about three situations you might find yourself in.

The first situation is where you want more work than you are currently getting. This is most common when you are first starting, but it could also be a result of a decline in housing market activity, increased competition, or a regular seasonal decline like winter. If you are an established photographer, you may notice that business is much slower in the winter, so you could offer “winter rates” that are discounted to increase the number of requests you get. Ultimately, photographer rates/prices are the reality of supply and demand. If you are not getting enough work, you may have to lower rates to get more work. But if you do lower rates, you also have to make sure you will still be profitable with those rates.

There are other ways to increase the amount of work you’re getting without lowering rates. You could increase the number of bundled services (e.g. free aerial photos), increase the quality of your images, increase the quality of your website, and/or increase the number of people aware of your services (more about that later).

The second scenario you might find yourself in is that you are happy with the amount of hours you are working. Things are going well, you’re profitable, and you’re getting plenty of jobs, but not too many jobs. Your business is just right! In this situation, you may want to leave your rates alone. But if your business is getting increased requests and your schedule is almost full, you may want to consider raising rates before you start getting consistently booked up.

The third scenario of getting too many photo requests is where I found myself for about 3 or 4 years straight… and my wife certainly reminded me of it often! From 2016 to 2019, I worked more hours than I should have for the vast majority of those years, because I had just gone full time in 2015 and was excited about making my business succeed. I did raise prices multiple times, but apparently not enough! One of my problems was that from 2013 through most of 2015, I had the mindset and workflow of the “quantity model,” using no lights. Then in 2016 I started using multiple off-camera lights and was trying to take a high number of jobs while also putting a high degree of effort into every photoshoot, and multiple price increases didn’t seem to make the number of photo requests manageable! Switching mentalities from high-quantity to high-effort will require you to reduce the number of clients you have through much higher rates, as scary as that may sound. If you start putting a lot of effort into photoshoots with an advanced lighting setup you will be spending more time on each job. In addition, your website and social media feeds may start to become more appealing with better images, which in turn will create more interest in your services! You have to be prepared to make a definitive mindset switch. Avoid the mistake I made of increasing the time I spent on each job without significantly reducing the number of jobs I was accepting.

You may be thinking, “what if I put high effort into some jobs, and put low effort into others?”

I personally wouldn’t want to do that, because I don’t find enjoyment in putting a half-hearted effort into anything. I would rather push my own limits, learn things, and do the best I can in anything I do. But for business purposes, you might find two levels of service appealing, and I’m aware of other photographers doing that as well. You would just have to make it clear on your website that there are two different “levels” of service with different rates, so potential clients don’t see your high-effort architectural images and think you’re going to do that for a high-speed real estate photoshoot. Some people might even make two websites in that scenario to more strongly differentiate the two types of services.

There are at least three things you can do if you find yourself getting too busy:

  • Consider raising rates a little bit at a time, carefully, until your availability and photoshoot demand are balanced

  • Outsource your photo editing so you can sleep at night

  • Hire additional photographers and/or editors to start scaling your business into a group or chain

You have to be careful raising rates, but if you find business in a trajectory where you are getting more and more requests you may want to raise your rates before your schedule is completely full. If you wait too long you may start disappointing customers by telling them you’re booked out too far. It’s probably better to lose clients because your rates have gone up than lose clients because you have no availability!

If you want to focus on photoshoots and not spend any time on editing, outsourcing your photo editing can be a time saver once you find a company that is reliable and provides good results. Be careful though… you may be tempted to be a little sloppy or lazy during the photoshoot because you know you won’t have to edit the photos! This is one reason why you probably won’t want to outsource your editing at the beginning of your career. You should spend time learning everything about the entire workflow from photoshoot to post-processing to understand what creates the best results. This will give you an idea of what to do during the photoshoots to pave the way for successful and efficient post-processing.

Something that was recommended to me over and over during the years when I found myself to be getting way too many photo requests is to hire more people and train them to start taking photos using a similar process. People were essentially recommending that I expand my business into a group or real estate photography chain. But is that the best option for everyone?

The Photography Group / Photography Chain Model

At one point early in my career, I had a fairly quick process for photoshoots, and a fairly quick process for editing. I was doing multiple photoshoots per day, and my schedule was getting more and more overloaded despite raising rates a few times. My images weren’t the best out there, but they were good enough to get lots of real estate photo requests. At that time, my rates were similar to real estate photography chains. This would have been the perfect time for me to start a photography group if that was my goal! I ultimately decided to pursue higher quality images with complex lighting setups and didn’t really desire to be managing & teaching other photographers, so I chose not to build & scale a real estate photography group. But depending on your goals, it might be a great option!

Reasons to Build & Manage a Real Estate Photography Group/Chain:

  • You want to build a higher volume business than one person could do alone

  • You like the idea of hiring & managing other photographers & editors

  • You want to have other photographers to rely on when you take a vacation

  • You have a quick and efficient workflow that you can easily teach to others

  • You are personally overloaded but don’t want to start saying “no” to clients

  • You want to do less on-site photography and move into a more managerial position as you hire more and more photographers

  • You would prefer to handle increased demand by adding personnel rather than raising rates

Reasons NOT to Build & Manage a Real Estate Photography Group/Chain:

  • You don’t want to teach your process to others who could simply leave and become competitors

  • You are not quite busy enough to split revenue with additional photographers & editors

  • You don’t want to worry about managing other people

  • You are still trying to figure out an efficient workflow

  • You would prefer to spend time improving your own skills instead of training others

  • You want clients to hire you for your unique photo style as you continue to improve and refine your techniques

  • You would prefer to pursue higher-end work as you raise rates

  • You want to develop your own complex techniques that would be useful in other genres of photography

Photography groups/chains have to establish an easy scheduling and invoicing system that offers a one stop shop for a variety of services. A successful photography chain will offer 360 tours, aerials, photos, videos, floor plans, and any other common real estate marketing media. If you are managing a photography group with multiple photographers, you will have to take responsibility for how they behave in other people’s houses and how they take photos. You will not only have to train them in your photo & media workflows, but also make sure they interact with clients & homeowners in a professional way that reflects well on your company’s brand! When you start operating a group, you will end up being a manager, teacher, customer service supervisor, delegator, and more.

Appeal vs. Awareness

Let’s imagine that lots of real estate photographers in your area have similar workflows. For each image they produce, they take a few ambient shots at different shutter speeds and a flash-lit shot. Then they send the images to an image editing company, and some of the photographers even use the same image editors. Then they send the final images to the realtor. As a result, they all have a similar photo style, quality, and turnaround time. Or, let’s imagine that multiple photo companies in the area provide Matterport tours with an Insta360 One X. They are all going to essentially be providing the exact same product. How can they differentiate? Do they even need to differentiate?

The Natural Tendency to Differentiate, i.e. Increase Appeal

The short answer is: “Yes, a photographer needs to be constantly working to differentiate, i.e. increase appeal, because their competitors probably will be!”

The natural tendency of business owners, including photographers, is to attempt to improve their business by increasing the number of people who find their services appealing, even if they don’t think of it in those words. Most of your competitors are going to try to differentiate, even if you do not! In a market with multiple real estate media providers, you can safely assume that at least some of them are going to try to make their business more appealing to new and current clients. If lots of people have the same workflow and technique, maybe some businesses will make their website more flashy to grab the attention of new clients. Some might bundle services to create package “deals,” like lumping aerials, 360 tours, and photos together for a lower price than they would typically be á la carte. Some photographers might try to be enjoyable for homeowners and realtors to work with so they simply prefer them, despite the end products being the same as everyone else’s. Some might lower rates. Some might offer 4K video when everyone else is offering 1080p because it looks better listed on their website. Some might even realize that everyone is offering similar quality photos, and try to find a way to increase the appeal of their photos, which is still the bread & butter of most marketing material. Whatever methods we consider, people are always trying to increase the appeal of their business if their heart and mind are fully invested in their work!

The Natural Tendency to Increase Awareness

For most photographers, the desire to increase awareness is probably most noticeable when you first start. You are constantly thinking about how to get more people aware of your services! I used to think my desire to increase awareness would go away after I got a full schedule, but unbeknownst to me, it really didn’t. Whenever I worked on social media presence, handed out business cards, or enthusiastically told people what I do for a living, I was increasing awareness of my business. When companies advertise, they increase the number of people who think about their business, or remind people to think about them. There is typically an appeal factor to advertising, but it is also introduction or a reminder of something. If you see multiple billboards along the highway for a restaurant that is serving lunch, it is because they feel it’s worth spending money to increase the number of people aware that they serve lunch. Likewise, real estate media providers try to make new contacts, give flyers to offices, get better website search results, and so on. People who are intent on having their business succeed will always be trying to increase the number of people aware of their services.

Increasing Awareness vs. Increasing Appeal - Economic Considerations

Let’s say that you are an established photographer. In your area, 10% of realtors who are aware of your services (and services offered by other photographers they are aware of) want to use you for real estate photos, and there are 200 realtors aware of your business. That gives you 20 regular realtor clients.

  • 200 realtors aware of your services

  • 10% find your services most appealing vs. other options

  • 10% of 200 = 20 clients

Now let’s say you manage to increase the appeal of your services vs. the other photography options in your area by creating new service bundles. This might bump the percentage of realtors who want to hire you up to 12%, which would give you 24 regular realtor clients.

  • 200 realtors aware of your services

  • 12% find your services most appealing vs. other options

  • 12% of 200 = 24 clients

Alternatively, if you did not increase the appeal of your business but merely increased the number of people aware of your business to 240 realtors by dropping off flyers at some real estate offices, you would also have 24 regular realtor clients.

  • 240 realtors now aware of your services

  • 10% find your services most appealing vs. other options

  • 10% of 240 = 24 clients

On the flip side, let’s say that an established photographer moves into your region from another location and starts marketing their company to increase awareness, but you do not make any attempt at expanding awareness of your own business. As a result, some of your potential clients become aware of additional photography options. This could result in a drop in the percentage of realtors who want to hire you, simply because they became aware of more options. In that case, even if the number of realtors aware of your services remains constant, the percentage that you appeal to could decline, and you would have a reduction of work as a result.

  • 200 realtors aware of your services

  • Only 8% find your services most appealing because they became aware of additional options

  • 8% of 200 = 16 clients

Similarly, if a number of other photographers in your area manage to increase the appeal of their business and you do not, even if the number of realtors aware of everyone’s services remained the same, you could also see a decline in the percentage of realtors who want to hire you.

  • 200 realtors aware of your services

  • Only 8% now find your services most appealing because someone else started doing free winter aerial photos

  • 8% of 200 = 16 clients

To continue operating as a profitable real estate photography business, you will always have to be maximizing the appeal and awareness of your business in a variety of ways. Fortunately, the longer you are around, the number of potential clients aware of your services tends to go up, and your skillset and photo quality probably will improve, which should increase your appeal! =)

While both appeal and awareness are important for building a profitable business, there are different scenarios where you might find one more important than the other. For instance, when you are first starting out you will be heavily focusing on awareness. The number of realtors aware of your services when you first start can probably be counted on one hand! You have to make that number skyrocket as quickly as you can.

In another scenario, you might find yourself taking steps to raise your photos to the next level in order to differentiate yourself from your competitors in an increasingly saturated market. If the steps do not require additional time during the photoshoot or post-processing, then you should go for it! But since many technique advancements take extra time for each job you accept, you have to figure out if the extra time spent is worth it for your business model.

The Sliding Scale of Quality vs. Quantity - How Much Time & Effort is Right for Your Business?

For those of us who like to improve photo quality as a way to increase the appeal of our business and differentiate ourselves from the competition, what does that look like?

Depending on what your current photoshoot & post-processing workflow looks like, it could be one or more of the following:

  • Start using an off-camera flash

  • Start using multiple off-camera flashes & strobes

  • Start manually combining ambient images with flash images in Adobe Photoshop

  • Study composition in paintings & photography

  • Start using tilt-shift lenses

  • Use scrims & flags to block or modify natural light

  • Work with an interior designer & stager

Ultimately, the sky’s the limit. You could spend as much or as little time as you want on each of your images! The question you have to answer is, how much time and effort is right for your business? The more time you spend on each image, the fewer jobs you will be able to take. The fewer jobs you take, the higher your prices will have to be in order to make the same amount of money. It may be the case that there isn’t a market in your area for you to be spending more time per image and charging more money per job. Or, it may be the case that your market/region is already saturated with photographers who are NOT putting extra time and effort into photography, and you being a high QUALITY photographer to differentiate yourself is the only way your business will survive. You have to figure out what your goals are and what your market can support.

Buy Me A Coffee

You have to figure out where you want to be on the sliding scale of quality vs quantity. If you are one of those people thinking, “I am a great photographer AND I’m quick!” you must realize that there are always time-consuming things you could do to improve the appeal of your images. This is especially true if you are not using any flashes/strobes but are simply relying on natural/ambient light. Whether or not spending more time to increase photo quality is worth doing is up to you and your potential client market.

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Sony Announces the Full-Frame Mirrorless Alpha 1 Camera

Sony Electronics, a global leader in imaging sensor technology and digital imaging, has announced the arrival of the groundbreaking new full-frame mirrorless Alpha 1 camera – asserting their commitment to leading the industry with a stunning combination of innovative new features.

The most technologically advanced, innovative camera that Sony has ever released, the Alpha 1 combines high-resolution and high-speed performance at a level that has never been accomplished in the world of digital cameras. With a brand new 50.1-megapixel full-frame stacked Exmor RS™ image sensor, up to 120 AF/AE calculations per second, 8K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0 video and much more, the Alpha 1 will allow creators to capture what they've never been able to before.

Sony announces the new Alpha 1 Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

Sony announces the new Alpha 1 Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

From the Sony Press Release:

“Sony Electronics, a global leader in imaging sensor technology and digital imaging, has announced the arrival of the groundbreaking new full-frame mirrorless Alpha 1 camera – asserting their commitment to leading the industry with a stunning combination of innovative new features. 

The most technologically advanced, innovative camera that Sony has ever released, the Alpha 1 combines high-resolution and high-speed performance at a level that has never been accomplished in the world of digital cameras.  With a brand new 50.1-megapixel full-frame stacked Exmor RS™ image sensor, up to 120 AF/AE calculations per second, 8K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0 video and much more, the Alpha 1 will allow creators to capture what they've never been able to before. 

"We are always listening to our customers, challenging the industry to bring new innovation to the market that goes far beyond their expectations," said Neal Manowitz, deputy president for Imaging Products and Solutions Americas at Sony Electronics. "Alpha 1 breaks through all existing boundaries, setting a new bar for what creators can accomplish with a single camera. What excites us the most – more than the extensive product feature – is Alpha 1's ability to capture that which has never been captured before. This camera unlocks a new world of creative possibilities, making the previously impossible now possible."

The newly developed image sensor is built with integral memory and paired with an upgraded BIONZ XR imaging processing engine, making it capable of shooting 50.1-megapixel images continuously at an astounding 30fps with up to 120 AF/AE calculations per second. The Alpha 1's shooting capabilities are further enhanced by a 9.44 million dot OLED Quad-XGA electronic viewfinder, with a refresh rate of up to 240 fps, ensuring no black out.  Additionally, for the first time in an Alpha series camera, 8K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0 video is available. The Alpha 1 is also capable of 4K 120p / 60p 10-bit 4:2:2 recording and includes S-Cinetone color. The Alpha 1 is also packed with features that support field professionals with faster workflow, including 3.5 times faster wireless FTP transfer speed and more.

Unprecedented Resolution and Speed

Continuous Shooting at Up to 30 Frames Per Second
The Alpha 1 captures moments that would otherwise be lost thanks to its high-speed performance, providing any photographer the speed they require to capture fast-moving objects. High speed readout from the 50.1-megapixel image sensor and a large buffer memory make it possible to shoot up to 155 full-frame compressed RAW images or 165 full-frame JPEG images at up to 30 frames per second with the electronic shutter while maintaining full AF and AE tracking performance. 

At an astonishing calculation speed of up to 120 AF/AE per second, the Alpha 1 can maintain focus with high accuracy even for fast moving subjects. It can automatically adjust exposure, even with sudden changes in brightness, with an AE response latency as low as 0.033 seconds.

Advanced Electronic Viewfinder with the World's Firstiv Refresh Rate of 240 fps

Complimenting the camera's ability to capture images at an unprecedented speed, the Alpha 1 viewfinder features the world's firstiv 240 fps refresh rate, for a super-smooth display. The viewfinder does not black out when an exposure is made to offer an uninterrupted view and allow for seamless framing and tracking, even during continuous shooting. The 9.44 million-dot (approx.), 0.64 type Quad-XGA high-definition OLED display and refined optics deliver the highest resolution in its class. It also offers 0.90X viewfinder magnification, a 41° diagonal FOV, and a 25mm-high eyepoint for clear, low distortion viewing from corner to corner. 

Advanced Autofocus

Sony continues to push the boundaries of autofocus technology with the introduction of the Alpha 1, which can easily track complex, fast-moving subjects with high precision. The camera features 759 phase detection points in a high-density focal plane phase-detection AF system cover approximately 92% of the image area – ensuring accuracy and unfailing focus in environments where focusing might otherwise be difficult. 

Sony's advanced Real-time Eye AF improves detection performance by 30% over the previous system, thanks to the powerful image processing engine, BIONZ XR. It ensures accurate, reliable detection, even when the subject's face looks away. In addition to improved Real-time Eye AF for humans and animals, the Alpha 1 employs high-level subject recognition technology to provide Real-time Eye AF for birds, a first in an Alpha series camera. Optimized algorithms ensure that tracking is maintained even if a sitting bird suddenly takes flight, or the framing suddenly changes. 

The Alpha 1 also features AI-based Real-time Tracking that automatically maintains accurate focus. A subject recognition algorithm uses color, pattern (brightness), and subject distance (depth) data to process spatial information in real time at high speed. 

Silent, Vibration-free Electronic Shutter

High-speed readout from the new image sensor has made it possible to reduce rolling shutter by up to 1.5 times when shooting stills, compared to the Alpha 9 II. It also offers silent anti-flicker continuous shooting with an electronic shutter for the first time in the world. The electronic shutter operates silently, without mechanical noise, and is vibration-free. Stress-free continuous shooting is now possible even when shooting in challenging lighting situations with florescent or other flicker-prone types of artificial lighting. And for the first time in an Alpha camera, electronic shutter flash sync up to 1/200 sec is possible. The advantages of the electronic shutter advantages can now come to life even when using flash for broadly expanded shooting versatility.

Dual Driven Shutter System for 1/400 Flash Sync
The Alpha 1 boasts the world's fastest flash sync speedv of 1/400 sec. with mechanical shutter, making it even easier to capture dynamic action. In addition to a carbon fiber shutter curtain, the Alpha 1 features the newly developed dual driven shutter system utilizing spring and electromagnetic drive actuator, offering high durability and lightness at the same time.

High Resolution Shooting Enhancements

Even with this sensor's high pixel count, the Alpha 1 offers high sensitivity with low noise, plus 15+ stops of dynamic range for video and 15 stops for stills, for smooth, natural gradations from shadows to highlights thanks to its cutting-edge processing system, throughout a wide ISO sensitivity range of 100-32,000 (expandable to 50-102,400, when shooting stills).

Additionally, the new camera features an evolved Pixel Shift Multi Shooting mode that composites up to 16 full-resolution images. In this mode, the camera precisely shifts the sensor in one pixel or half-pixel increments to capture 16 separate pixel-shifted images containing a total of 796.2 million pixels of data, which are then composited into a 199 million pixel (17,280 x 11,520 pixels) image using Sony's Imaging Edge™ desktop application. With a flash sync of up to 1/200 sec. in this mode, it is ideal for photographing architecture, art or any other still life subject with a level of detail and color accuracy that is simply stunning.  

Professional Video Quality

8K High-resolution Movie Shooting

For the first time in an Alpha camera, the Alpha 1 offers 8K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0 XAVC HS recording with 8.6K oversampling for extraordinary resolution. Combined with Sony's acclaimed autofocus technology, gradation and color reproduction performance, the Alpha 1 will help the user realize their creative vision with the finest detail. It's 8K footage can also be used for flexible 4K editing during post-production. 

Supporting Various Video Formats for Professionals 

The Alpha 1 offers in-camera 4K recording at up to 120 frames per secondviii which allows the user to shoot up to 5X slow-motion video. In addition to supporting 10-bit 4:2:2 recording, this feature can be used with efficient Long GOP inter-frame compression or high-quality Intra (All-I) intra-frame compression. 

The Alpha 1 features S-Cinetone, the same color matrix that produces the highly regarded FX9 and FX6 color and skin tones. It delivers natural mid-tones, plus soft colors and gorgeous highlights to meet a growing need for more expressive depth. The S-Log3 gamma curve makes it possible to achieve 15+ stops of dynamic range, while the S-Gamut3 and S-Gamut3.Cine color gamut settings make it easy to match Alpha 1 footage with video shot on VENICE cinema camera, FX9 and other professional cinema cameras. 

Heat-dissipating Structure

A unique heat dissipating structure keeps image sensor and image processing engine temperatures within their normal operating range, preventing overheating while maintaining compact body dimensions. This makes it possible to record 8K/30p video continuously for approximately 30 minutes.

Supporting Hand-held Shooting

A high-precision stabilization unit and gyro sensors, plus optimized image stabilization algorithms, achieve up to a 5.5-step shutter speed advantage, maximizing the quality of the high-resolution images derived from the camera's 50.1-megapixel sensor. The Alpha 1 also features an Active Mod that offers outstanding stabilization for handheld movie shooting. When using Sony's desktop applications Catalyst Browse or Catalyst Prepare for post-production, an accurate image stabilization function is available which utilizes metadata generated by camera's built-in gyro.

Other features that the Alpha 1 offers include; 16-bit RAW output to an external recorder via HDMI for maximum post-production flexibility, a digital audio interface has been added to the camera's Multi Interface (MI) Shoe for clearer audio recordings from a compatible Sony external microphone, 5.8Koversampled full pixel readout without pixel binning for high-resolution 4K movies in Super 35mm mode and more.

Enhanced Workflow with Network Technologies including Connectivity to 5G Compatible Devices

The Alpha 1 has been designed and configured to support photo and video journalists and sports shooters who need to deliver stills or movies as quickly as possible with advanced connectivity options. It offers several features for fast, reliable file transfers. Industry's fastestxiii built-in wireless LAN allows communication on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHzxxix bands with dual antennas to ensure reliable communications. 5 GHz includes 2x2 MIMO support (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac) offering 3.5 times faster wireless FTP transfer speed than the Alpha 9 II - a notable advantage for news and sports shooters who need to deliver with reliable speed. There is also a provided USB Type-C® connector to support fast data transfer when connected to a 5G mmWave compatible device such as Sony's Xperia PRO and makes high-speed PC Remote (tethered) data transfer available for smooth handling of large image files. The Alpha 1 also has a built-in 1000BASE-T LAN connector for high-speed, stable data transfers, including remote shooting. FTPS (File Transfer over SSL/TLS) is supported, allowing SSL or TLS encryption for increased data security. 

In addition to compressed and uncompressed RAW, the Alpha 1 includes efficient lossless compression with no quality degradation, Lossless Compressed RAW. There is also a new "Light" JPEG/HEIF image quality setting that results in smaller files than the "Standard" setting, allowing faster deliver for news and sports photographers who depend on speed. Along with a versatile range of RAW and JPEG formats, the Alpha 1 includes the HEIF (High Efficiency Image File) format for smooth 10-bit gradations that provide more realistic reproduction of skies and portrait subjects where subtle, natural gradation is essential. Images shot on the Alpha 1 can be trimmed in-camera to a desired aspect ratio, size, or position for versatile usage.

The Alpha 1 is also compatible with a variety of apps, add-ons and tools. With Imaging Edge Mobile and Imaging Edge Desktop, professionals can easily transfer RAW files and files that use lossless compression and remotely control Touch Tracking and Touch Focus for convenient AF operation. The Transfer & Tagging add-on (Ver. 1.3 or later) can automatically covert voice memos attached to image files to text captions or transfer the files to an FTP server from a mobile device. Desktop applications Catalyst Browse/Catalyst Prepare allow professionals to browse and manage video clips shot by Sony's camera. In addition, the Remote Camera Tool can remotely change camera settings and shoot from a computer connected via LAN cable and feature a number of refinements for the Alpha 1: faster transfer, touch response, dual slot and HEIF support, and more.

Reliable and Easy Operability

Professional users need more than just refined features and performance. They also need the reliability and durability demanded of any professional tool. The Alpha 1 has two media slots that both support UHS-I and UHS-II SDXC/SDHC cards, as well as new CFexpress Type A cards for higher overall capacity and faster read/write speeds. It also features a durable magnesium alloy chassis, long battery life with the Z-battery which can be extended using the optional VG-C4EM Vertical Grip (sold separately), an improved dust removal feature, shutter close function on power-off to protect image sensor, plus dust and moisture resistance that maximizes reliability in challenging environments. It includes a durable, reliable HDMI Type-A connector, and USB PD (Power Delivery) support, allowing higher power to be supplied from an external source so that users can record for extended periods with minimal internal battery usage.

A revised menu structure provides easier navigation, and touch-responsive menu operation offers fast, more intuitive control with Touch Focus and Touch Tracking on its 3.0 type 1.44 million-dot (approx.) LCD monitor. For easy customization, a subset of the camera's shooting settings now changes according to the selected shooting mode, making it easier than ever to use different aperture, shutter speed and other settings for shooting stills and movies. 

Pricing and Availability

The Alpha 1 Full-frame Interchangeable-Lens Camera will be available in March 2021 for approximately $6,500 USD and $8,500 CAD. It will be sold at a variety of Sony's authorized dealers throughout North America.”

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Nikon Unveils the New Z 7II and Z 6II Full-Frame Mirrorless Cameras

Today, Nikon Inc. unveiled the next chapter of the Z series with the arrival of two new full-frame mirrorless cameras that significantly improve upon the previous generation by adding more power, more features and more of what users want. The ultra-high-resolution Z 7II is for those with an eye for impeccable details, offering professionals and advanced photographers a powerful tool to capture immense resolution in every shot. For dynamic creators who need a device as versatile as they are, the Z 6II balances powerful performance and an expert-level multimedia feature set to bring any creative vision to life. Together, the Z 7II and Z 6II, along with new accessories, expand the Z series into a more robust mirrorless platform, incorporating many performance and design upgrades while maintaining the most popular features of their award-winning predecessors.

The chapter of Z is here: Nikon delivers more of everything with the new Z 7II and Z 6II full-frame mirrorless cameras.

The chapter of Z is here: Nikon delivers more of everything with the new Z 7II and Z 6II full-frame mirrorless cameras.


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The High-Resolution, High Performance Z 7II and the Versatile, Multimedia Powerhouse Z 6II Offer More Innovation, Power, Speed and Precision to Step into a New Era of Creative Freedom.

Today, Nikon Inc. unveiled the next chapter of the Z series with the arrival of two new full-frame mirrorless cameras that significantly improve upon the previous generation by adding more power, more features and more of what users want. The ultra-high-resolution Z 7II is for those with an eye for impeccable details, offering professionals and advanced photographers a powerful tool to capture immense resolution in every shot. For dynamic creators who need a device as versatile as they are, the Z 6II balances powerful performance and an expert-level multimedia feature set to bring any creative vision to life. Together, the Z 7II and Z 6II, along with new accessories, expand the Z series into a more robust mirrorless platform, incorporating many performance and design upgrades while maintaining the most popular features of their award-winning predecessors.

 “As we evolve the Nikon Z series into the future, we continue to strengthen the platform, keeping the needs of our customers at the center of every new innovation and added feature,” said Jay Vannatter, Executive Vice President, Nikon Inc. “These are the cameras that many have been waiting for from Nikon. The new Z 7II and Z 6II demonstrate our commitment to listening to customer feedback, while also establishing the new standard for performance, quality and versatility for every type of creator, photographer or filmmaker.”

The Nikon Z Mount - The Most Light Means the Best Images

The Nikon Z mount is larger than any other full-frame mount, letting in significantly more light for the best possible image quality. The wider mount also allows for radical new concepts in optical design, giving lens designers the flexibility to create NIKKOR Z lenses with more edge-to-edge sharpness than ever thought possible. These new cameras expand the possibilities of the superior Z mount with performance upgrades designed to improve the quality, workflow and shooting experience for Nikon Z series users.


New Features and Upgrades: Customer-Focused Innovation Drives Creativity

  • Dual EXPEED 6 Processors for Twice the Power: At the heart of the new Z 7II and Z 6II is the implementation of two EXPEED 6 image processors, turbocharging performance to improve processing speed and increasing burst capability for stills -- all while increasing power efficiency.  

  • Enhanced Focus System: With an updated, feature-rich autofocus system, the Z 7II and Z 6II quickly acquire focus and track subjects throughout the frame. For more precise autofocusing, Eye and Face-Detection AF is now available in the Wide-Area AF (L) mode, which works to avoid focusing on distracting elements by isolating selected portions of an image. Additionally, both models have an improved low-light AF detection range that is capable of acquiring subjects in challenging lighting.

  • Advanced Video Capabilities: Expanding the boundaries of 4K UHD video, the Z 7II and Z 6II enhance video output with an increased frame rate of 4K (UHD) 60p, plus Eye-Detection AF mode when recording video. While currently available in the Z 7II, the 4K 60p option is planned to be available in a free firmware upgrade for the Z 6II in February 2021. As a result of pro user feedback, the models also allow users to reverse the focus ring orientation on the fly, benefitting those who are used to manual focusing using traditional cine lenses on set. For added flexibility in post-production, 10-bit N-Log and HDR (HLG)1 output offers more detail, dynamic range and contrast in captured footage, while the optional 12-bit ProRes RAW upgrade2 delivers greater creative control for professionals and advanced videographers.

  • Built for Confidence, Built for Creators: The cameras retain robust weather sealing, user-focused ergonomics and an intuitive interface-- distinctions that Nikon users have come to rely on. The new models also offer improvements such as dual memory card slots, with one CFexpress (type B)/XQD slot and one SD card slot (UHS-II), for maximum versatility and peace of mind. Users will also benefit from more power and comfortable vertical shooting with the addition of the optional new MB-N11 battery pack with vertical grip.


Nikon Z 7II: Absolute Immersive Masterpiece

The Z 7II promises high-resolution stills and video for discerning users who need ultimate performance to achieve exceptional image quality in every shot. A powerful upgrade to the Nikon Z 7, the Z 7II is the ideal camera for capturing highly detailed portraits, landscapes, weddings, events, and commercial photography when there is no compromise on image quality.

  • The Z 7II features a 45.7-megapixel backside-illuminated (BSI) CMOS sensor to help capture intense detail, ultra-shallow depth of field and clarity that overwhelms. The exceptionally clean native ISO range from ISO 64 to 25,600 offers the functional freedom to shoot at wide apertures in bright light or in-studio with minimal noise.

  • With up to 10 fps maximum shooting speed at full resolution in Continuous H (extended)3, the Z 7II can handle fast burst rates with more than triple (3.3x)4 the buffer capacity of the Z 7 (in 12-bit lossless compressed RAW).

  • The Z 7II’s 493 on-sensor phase-detect autofocus points cover 90 percent of the frame, quickly and accurately acquiring subjects, even at its far edges. The Z 7II is capable of acquiring focus in half the light (as low as -3 EV5), making it the reliable tool for low-light scenes such as weddings and indoor events.


Nikon Z 6II: True Multimedia Powerhouse

The Z 6II is the most versatile Z series camera yet, balancing speed, power, low-light ability, and advanced video features for dynamic creators who need pro-level performance and reliability.

  • Building on the vast pro-caliber video capabilities of the Z 6, the Z 6II is capable of recording 4K UHD video quality with full pixel readout, demonstrating the advantages of mirrorless technology. The camera is capable of a variety of frame rates, including 4K UHD 60p6 with full pixel readout, which is planned to be available in February 2021 via a firmware update. It is also capable of 4K 30p, as well as Full HD 120p for slow motion.

    • Built with videographers in mind, the Z 6II’s AF speed and tracking sensitivity is adjustable to meet creative needs, while the focus ring is also reversible. Useful indicators for focus peaking, zebra stripes and timecodes help capture the best possible footage in-camera and simplify workflow.

    • For both models, 10-bit output to an external recorder with N-Log is possible as well as the capture of new HDR (HLG) video and output in 12-bit ProRes RAW with the optional upgrade. For upgrade customers, additional support will also be included for Blackmagic RAW when using the Blackmagic Design Video Assist 12G HDR recorder. This upgrade will also be provided for existing customers who have already purchased a ProRes RAW upgrade for the Nikon Z 6 or Z 77.

    • The Z 6II and Z 7II are the first Nikon cameras to support Eye-Detection AF and Animal-Detection AF with video recording, enabling continuous focus on the eyes of humans, dogs, and cats.

  • The Z 6II features a 24.5-megapixel BSI CMOS sensor for crisp stills and video capture with impressive detail, ultra-shallow depth of field and impressive low light performance. To confidently shoot in challenging light, the camera has an impressive ISO range from ISO 100–51,200, expandable up to ISO 204,800 equivalent.

  • Thanks to the addition of dual EXPEED 6 Processors, the Z 6II boasts a fast 14 fps3 continuous shooting speed, providing quick performance for capturing action, with more than 5x the buffer capacity of the Z 64.

  • The Z 6II’s enhanced AF system features 273 on-sensor phase-detect autofocus points for easy subject acquisition and tracking throughout the frame, including at the edges. Capable of focusing in half the light (down to -4.5 EV5), the Z 6II easily acquires focus in extreme low light scenarios, making it an ideal option for capturing nightscapes and events.


The Nikon Experience: Reliability & Workflow 

Both the Z 7II and Z 6II adopt the Z series’ durable Magnesium Alloy build and extensive weather-sealed design for all-around protection in rugged environments. Both models focus on improved workflow with intuitive features and controls that enhance the creative process.   

  • The Z 6II and Z 7II enable convenient iMenu access for autofocus modes such as the new Wide-Area AF (L) mode for people or animals, with built-in Eye and Face-Detect autofocus, allowing users to quickly switch between controls while shooting.

  • USB power delivery can be enabled while the cameras are in use, drawing power from the USB source first, to preserve camera battery8 or charging while the camera is turned off (when using the EN-EL15b or EN-EL15c battery).

  • The Z 6II and Z 7II also include in-camera exposure choices for up to 900 seconds for capturing super slow-shutter nighttime cityscapes and astrophotography.

  • Both the Z 6II and Z 7II are compatible with the Nikon Webcam Utility software beta, ensuring seamless webcam functionality for all occasions. When using this function with a USB-C cable, power can be supplied to the camera to power it while using it as a webcam, making turnkey webcam functionality as easy as plugging in a USB-C cable.

  • In addition to its seamless file transfer and remote camera control, the Nikon SnapBridge app can be used to streamline the firmware update process by wirelessly sending the latest firmware file directly to the Z 7II or Z 6II for updating, no card reader or computer necessary.

  • Portions of the information display can be hidden with still-image shooting and video recording, allowing an unobstructed view of the scene.

  • In-camera vibration reduction (VR) provides camera-shake compensation equivalent to 5-stops9.


A Rapidly Expanding Ecosystem

Nikon is committed to expanding the NIKKOR Z lens lineup to complement the exceptional power of these latest mirrorless cameras, with 16 NIKKOR Z lenses currently available, including the recently announced NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S and 14-24mm f/2.8 S. The lineup will expand to include a total of 24 innovative optics by the end of 2021, providing Z series users with the tools to achieve the highest level of optical excellence.


The ecosystem is also expanding with more accessories, including the addition of the new MB-N11 Power Battery Pack with vertical grip for the Z 6II and Z 7II. This new grip features convenient external controls for additional manual operation and customization, along with more comfortable portrait orientation shooting. While battery life is extended up to 1.9x10 (CIPA standard), the battery grip also includes a hot-swappable chamber, granting users the ability to remove or replace one battery while shooting for uninterrupted power - a true benefit for content creation. The vertical grip also adds a secondary USB-C port for standalone charging and simultaneous communication with other devices.


Additionally, Nikon has announced new wireless transceivers for remote triggering and radio-controlled lighting, the WR-R11a and WR-R11b. The new wireless transceiver units use radio frequencies to communicate and are designed for users who need minimal release lag when shooting wirelessly, or those that use one or more remote flashes (AWL). The user can control additional remote cameras simultaneously using the WR-T10 remote, or via a main camera equipped with the WR-R11a/b. The WR-R11a uses a 10-pin connector, while the WR-R11b connects through the accessory terminal that can be found on Z series mirrorless cameras and select DSLRs. The units can also trigger Nikon radio-controlled flash units, such as the popular SB-5000 Speedlight, without the need for an additional receiver unit. Engineered with a new hinged design, the WR-R11a increases durability when attached to a camera.


Pricing and Availability

The Nikon Z 7II will be available in December 2020 in two configurations, body-only for a suggested retail price (SRP) of $2,999.95* and a one-lens kit with the NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 for an SRP of $3,599.95*. The Nikon Z 6II will be available in November 2020 and will also be available in two configurations, body-only for an SRP of $1,999.95*, and a one-lens kit with the NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 for an SRP of $2,599.95*. The MB-N11 Battery Pack with vertical grip will be available in November 2020 for an SRP of $399.95. The WR-R11a and WR-R11b (sold separately) will be available in December 2020, and each will have an SRP of $199.95 for the controller only. They will also be available as a set including the controller and the WR-T10 wireless remote controller for an SRP of $279.95.

The New Nikon Z 7II and Nikon Z 6II on

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What Camera & Lens Should I Buy for Real Estate Photography?

I sometimes get asked by people who are getting started in real estate photography what camera and lens they should buy. Do you need an expensive camera for real estate? Do you need an expensive lens? Is it better to spend more money on the lens than the camera? What focal lengths are typically used? This article will hopefully give readers an idea of what cameras are currently available, the pros and cons of various cameras, and some info about lenses. This information can be applied to really any genre of photography, and I will also talk a little bit about the state of the industry.

What Camera and Lens Should I Use for Real Estate.jpg

See also: My extensive article/rant about tripods
See also:
Real Estate Photography Techniques for Beginners
See also: DJI Air 2S Reviewed vs. Phantom 4 Pro

I sometimes get asked by people who are getting started in real estate photography what camera and lens they should buy. Do you need an expensive camera for real estate? Do you need an expensive lens? Is it better to spend more money on the lens than the camera? What focal lengths are typically used?

This article will hopefully give readers an idea of what cameras are currently available, the pros and cons of various cameras, and some info about lenses. This information can be applied to really any genre of photography, and I will also talk a little bit about the state of the industry.

Let’s get to it!

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Mirrorless vs. DSLR

It’s 2020, and essentially all major camera manufacturers are moving to mirrorless. Sony was the mirrorless pioneer, but now Canon and Nikon are putting most of their efforts into mirrorless. I highly recommend getting a mirrorless camera, which will allow you to use the vast majority of new lenses released by camera manufacturers in the future. If you get a mirrorless camera body with a Canon R mount, Nikon Z Mount, or Sony E Mount, you will also be able to use all of the manufacturers’ older DSLR lenses by purchasing one of their adapters. Camera manufacturers’ newest camera bodies and lenses are going to be mostly mirrorless going forward. (See also: my article about how Canon’s recent mirrorless cameras blow away their previous DSLR’s in shadow recovery)

The best choice: Mirrorless

Full-Frame vs. APS-C

Cameras referred to as “full-frame” have larger sensors than cameras referred to as “APS-C” or “crop sensor” cameras, and so they tend to produce images with better detail and more dynamic range. Full-frame cameras have sensors that are 36x24mm wide, and APS-C camera sensors are around 23x15mm but vary slightly by brand.

In the past, camera manufacturers have released a wide variety of APS-C camera & lenses alongside a wide variety of full-frame cameras & lenses. The two camera sensor sizes and their lenses lived side by side in vibrant and profitable markets, bringing home the Benjamins to the camera manufacturers. Think of how popular and well known Canon’s Digital Rebel series was (APS-C camera)! However, I think that is changing. In my opinion, camera companies are going to be putting significantly less effort into APS-C than they have in the past, and focus most of their R&D efforts on full-frame.

The improvement in smartphone camera quality continues to reduce the market for low end camera bodies, and point-and-shoot camera have plummeted. As smartphone camera quality continues to improve, people will use dedicated low-end cameras in fewer situations. At the high end of photography we have full-frame or medium format. Phone photography can’t touch the high end. In the middle, we have APS-C cameras. Canon has already released a sub-$1,000 full-frame mirrorless camera, which essentially begins to place a psychological cost ceiling for APS-C camera bodies at $1,000. Why would you buy a crop sensor for more than $1,000 when you can get a full-frame sensor for less than $1,000? Sony and Nikon haven’t released a sub-$1,000 full-frame camera yet, but they probably are already working on it. This means we have smartphones replacing more of the low end, and full-frame cameras starting to occupy price ranges previously reserved for the mid-range. APS-C cameras are still cheaper and there are lenses available for a variety of purposes, but I think there will be fewer APS-C lenses released in the future as that market shrinks.

All that is to say, full-frame cameras not only produce higher quality images, but they are probably more likely to be future-proof. If you buy an APS-C camera body and some lenses for it now, you may end up having to sell all your APS-C lenses if you upgrade to a full-frame camera body later, and start over with a bunch of full-frame lens purchases. If you start with full-frame now, you can start building a lens collection that will probably be compatible with your future camera body purchases. People tend to keep lenses longer than camera bodies, because lens technology advances slower than camera body technology.

The best choice if your budget can swing it: Full-Frame

Canon EOS R5
Canon EOS R6
Canon EOS R
Canon EOS RP

Nikon Z5
Nikon Z6
Nikon Z7

Sony a7R IV
Sony a7R III
Sony a7R II

The real estate photography cameras for a limited budget: APS-C

Canon EOS M50

Nikon Z50

Sony a6100

Camera Brands

Canon, Nikon, and Sony have been the primary three camera manufacturers in recent years. In 2019 Canon had about 45% of the overall camera market, Sony had about 20%, and Nikon had about 18%. Sony has been doing extremely well with full frame and mirrorless sales, however. Sony has been in the full-frame mirrorless game since 2013, with Canon and Nikon entering in 2018. Canon’s first full-frame mirrorless offerings were not good enough to match Sony, but now that they’ve released their flagship EOS R5 and EOS R6 in 2020, their mirrorless cameras are among the best.

Nikon has not released a new “flagship” full-frame mirrorless camera since 2018. They recently released the Nikon Z5, which is simply their cheapest full-frame mirrorless camera. But as I am writing this article, Nikon has an event scheduled where they will release information about their new Z6 II and Z7 II full-frame mirrorless. Hopefully they will continue to remain competitive with Canon and Sony, because competition makes cameras better for photographers!

As I mentioned earlier, Canon is currently the only brand making a sub-$1,000 full-frame mirrorless with the Canon EOS RP. Even though it’s the cheapest full-frame mirrorless you can get, any Canon RF lenses you buy to use with the RP will work with Canon’s future high-end camera bodies when you want to upgrade. It will be interesting to see how long it takes Sony and Nikon to follow Canon in breaking the $1,000 price point. Keep in mind that if you get a more expensive full-frame mirrorless than the $999 Canon EOS RP to you can get more features, better dynamic range, more megapixels, more photos per second, etc. But you don’t need any of those things for real estate photography! The camera’s dynamic range is not as important as in many other photography genres because your subject doesn’t move, and you can exposure bracket your scenes. You can put your camera on a tripod and take several photos that are 1 stop apart, then manually blend them in Adobe Photoshop or quickly merge them to HDR in Adobe Lightroom. You don’t need fantastic autofocus because you aren’t photographing birds in the Amazon. Buying the cheapest full-frame mirrorless available to get started in real estate is not a bad idea, especially with a limited budget. If you are going to be using the camera in multiple genres, like weddings or night photography, you might start to run into a cheaper camera’s limitations more quickly than a high-end model.

Camera Body Price Point Winner: Canon

One of the reasons people go with one camera brand or another is available lenses. I’m not going to jump into the world of 3rd party lenses right now (Sigma, Tamron, Rokinon, Zeiss, Samyang), but here are some lenses that will be able to get you through any real estate photoshoot, whether interior or exterior. All of these lenses can be used on the corresponding camera brand’s mirrorless camera bodies without an adapter, and are (in my opinion) the focal length sweet spot for your first real estate photography lens purchase. Keep in mind you can’t use a lens made by one brand with another brand of camera body (e.g. you can’t use a mirrorless Sony lens with a mirrorless Canon body or vice versa).

Full-Frame Mirrorless Lenses

Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM

Sony 16-35mm Vario-Tessar T FE F4 ZA OSS

Nikon NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S

Canon’s lens is faster (f/2.8 vs f/4) than the Sony or Nikon lenses I selected above and has the biggest zoom range. As a result it’s about $1,000 more expensive. Canon does not currently have a cheaper full-frame mirrorless (RF mount) do-it-all real estate lens. They do have an older EF-mount lens (for their previous DSLR’s) that you could use with an adapter for a similar price point (below), but since Sony and Nikon have cheaper mirrorless mount real estate lenses I’ll give them the price point win.

Canon EF 16-35 f/4 IS USM
Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R - the adapter required to use a Canon EF lens with one of their mirrorless camera bodies

Full-Frame Mirrorless Do-It-All Real Estate Lens Price Point Winners: Sony & Nikon

APS-C Mirrorless Lenses

If you end up going with an APS-C mirrorless camera body, then here are the lenses you could use. Notice the focal lengths all seem shorter than the full-frame lenses. That’s because APS-C (crop sensor) cameras have a 1.5x or 1.6x crop factor, so in order to be as wide as a full-frame camera you have to have wider focal ranges in the lenses.

Canon EF-M 11-22mm f/4-5.6 STM

Sony E 10–18 mm F4 OSS

Since Nikon’s mirrorless APS-C real estate lens doesn’t exist, I’ll give the win to Canon and Sony. You can still use the Z50 for real estate but you’d have to use an older lens with an adapter.

Nikon Mount Adapter FTZ
Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR

APS-C Mirrorless Do-It-All Real Estate Lens Winners: Canon & Sony

Understanding Focal Lengths in Real Estate Photography

The reason I chose specific lenses for this real estate specific article is their focal length ranges. Most real estate work can be done from around 16-17mm up to around 30-35mm (when dealing with full-frame focal lengths). When you are trying to capture an entire bedroom or the expanse of the main living areas, you may find yourself wanting to be below 20mm. When you are photographing the details, the kitchen, or exteriors of a home, I tend to like to be at a longer focal length, like 24-35mm. Having a single zoom lens that allows you to handle any of these focal length ranges will allow you to move quickly through a photoshoot without changing lenses. If you get to a point in your career where you get to spend more time during photoshoots you could start using specialized lenses like tilt shift lenses or longer focal lengths, but for anyone who is just getting started it is extremely valuable to have your workhorse lens that can handle the entirety of any job.

Wider focal lengths tend to exaggerate the size of whatever objects are close to the camera, and longer focal lengths tend to make everything in the frame a more appropriate size. If you can fit everything you want in a shot at a longer focal length the composition will probably be more pleasing, but in many cases a realtor will want you to show the whole room or make rooms look big. If you look at real estate photos on Zillow or your local MLS the interior photos tend to be fairly wide in general. If you are just starting you should probably provide wide photos that show the whole room to the realtors that hire you and use longer focal lengths on the exterior. As you practice composition you might start finding ways to capture rooms using longer focal lengths in ways that the realtors appreciate, but you will probably start out with lots of clients that want wide interior photos for selling houses.


Hopefully this article gives you enough information to get started. You really could get started with any brand of camera and lens, but I would definitely go with a full-frame mirrorless if you can make it work. Not only will full-frame cameras produce better images, but they are cheaper than ever before and full-frame lenses can be used on your next few camera bodies as well. I will try to update this article as new products come out in the future, but for now here is a summary of the products mentioned in this article. If you found it helpful and use one of these links, I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!

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Products Mentioned in this Article

Canon Cameras

Canon EOS R5
Canon’s Best Full-Frame Mirrorless

Canon EOS R6
Canon’s Mid-Range Full-Frame Mirrorless

Canon EOS RP
Canon’s Cheapest Full-Frame Mirrorless

Canon EOS M50
A Canon Mirrorless APS-C (Lower Cost than Full-Frame, but compatible lenses are probably less future-proof)

Canon Lenses

Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8L IS USM
A very fast, expensive, sharp full-frame mirrorless lens that can handle everything from real estate to astrophotography.

Canon EF 16-35 f/4 IS USM
An older, cheaper canon lens that you can use on a full-frame mirrorless with an adapter.

Canon EF-M 11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM
A Canon APS-C lens that is only compatible with the M50

Sony Cameras

Sony a7R IV
Sony’s Highest Megapixel Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

Sony a7R III
A mid-range Sony Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

Sony a7R II
A lower-cost Sony Full-Frame Mirrorless

Sony a6100
A Sony Mirrorless APS-C (Lower Cost than Full-Frame, but compatible lenses are less future-proof)

Sony Lenses

Sony 16-35mm Vario-Tessar T FE F4 ZA OSS
A reasonably priced lens for your full-frame mirrorless Sony camera that can handle any real estate job

Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS
An APS-C lens for your Sony a6100 with an ideal real estate focal range

Nikon Cameras

Nikon Z7
Nikon’s Best Full-Frame Mirrorless

Nikon Z6
Nikon’s Mid-Range Full-Frame Mirrorless

Nikon Z5
Nikon’s Cheapest Full-Frame Mirrorless

Nikon Z50
Nikon’s Mirrorless APS-C (Lower Cost than Full-Frame, but using a compatible real estate photography lens requires an adapter)

Nikon Lenses

Nikon Z 14-30mm f/4 S
A lens for Nikon full-frame mirrorless with a good real estate focal range

Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR
An APS-C lens to use with the Nikon Z50, but it requires an adapter

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Canon EOS R5 vs 5D Mark IV: Canon has Upped their Game (And these Underexposed Photos)

When I switched from the 6D to the 5D Mark IV, I did notice a slight improvement in dynamic range and shadow handling. But this is a major advancement for Canon who had been previously been dabbling with small, incremental improvements here and there. Going from the EOS 5D Mark IV to the EOS R5 is not a small, incremental improvement… it’s like a whole new generation of technology.

I had been using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV since 2017 and a Canon EOS 6D for a few years before that. I am very familiar with Canon’s limitations in terms of how far you can lift the shadows in scenes with a wide dynamic range and how much you can crank up the exposure if an image is underexposed. From night scenes to architectural interiors, it became second nature to understand how many exposures I would need to take at various shutter speeds in order to capture both highlights and shadows. The 5D Mark IV was a slight improvement over the 6D, but I had also become aware of how Sony’s sensors were better at handling shadows and high dynamic range scenes. Some Canon shooters were even starting to make the switch or contemplating the move. I had numerous Canon lenses, but I was seriously considering switching to Sony. It seemed like a pain to sell all my lenses and switch brands, but wouldn’t the sensor improvements be worth it?

Then Canon announced the R5.

Me: “OK, fine…I’ll at least try the R5 before I mess around with switching camera brands.”

So, has Canon improved their camera bodies’ ability to lift shadows and increase exposure with underexposed images? Is there going to be a noticeable difference compared to the 5D Mark IV?

Let’s take a look!

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I decided to subject the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and the Canon EOS R5 to a painful test… taking a photo at night and then cranking the exposure to +5 in Adobe Lightroom.

For the below comparison, I placed each camera on a tripod and used the exact same Canon EF 16-35 f/2.8L III lens (using the Canon Mount Adapter EF-EOS R with the R5) and took a picture of a lakeside deck at night. Both of these photos were taken after astronomical twilight and before moonrise, so the night was as dark as it was going to get.

Each photo was 8 seconds at 24mm, with an aperture of 7.1 and ISO set to 400.

And now it's time for the painful part. Let’s see what happens when we push these RAW images to Exposure +5 in Adobe Lightroom and reduce the Highlights to -100.

Wow! I was amazed when I saw the results.  You can see the sky on the 5D Mark IV image has a greenish tint with purple bands going through it and lots of color noise, whereas the R5 somehow managed to pull what appears to be the correct colors in the sky with less color noise and no noticeable banding. Cranking the exposure to +5 on a night scene was clearly too great of a feat to pull off for the 5D Mark IV, but the R5 was able to handle it. We will take a look at some crops from this image a bit later, but first…

Random but Semi-Relevant Sidetrack

It’s pretty rare to have a legitimate reason to crank the exposure to +5, but the banding issue on the 5D Mark IV happened to me once when I was only at Exposure +2 while editing a real estate image in an unusual situation in 2018.


This is what it felt like to be in a dark basement with no electricity trying to produce a real estate image with my 5D Mark IV.


Is this a scene from Lord of the Rings in the mines of Moria? No…I was by myself shooting a foreclosed house with no electricity in the middle of nowhere, and I was in the pitch black basement with only a tiny window reminding me that daylight would once again shine on my face. Because I was in a hurry to get out of there before I woke the balrog, I did a run-’n-gun 12-image exposure bracket at ISO 400 that included a 30 second image. I also fired a separate speedlight shot at the window to control the hot spot. At a quick glance I thought the 30 second image would be enough to give me all the information I would need from the dark areas, but as you can see in the images below, I ended up with a horizontal green band that went across the center of the image and affected the shadows (shown just above the white line).

Canon 5D Mark IV, 30 seconds, ISO 400, f/7.1:

Here is a closer look at the green band from the 30 second exposure in two crops of the brightened RAW file (in the first crop image, the band only appears in the darkest areas on the left):

This situation was obviously extreme and unusual, and I basically made a mistake because I was in a hurry to get out of there. If I was being my normal meticulous self, I could have opened the aperture to f/4 or flipped the camera to bulb mode and done a 2-minute shot to make sure I had quality shadows. But this is one mistake I made that the R5 could probably handle, whereas the 5D Mark IV caused me to spend extra time in Photoshop fixing the green band. After blending multiple ambient exposures with my speedlight shot and muting the green band using Photoshop, here is the final image:


After blending multiple ambient exposures with a speedlight shot towards the window and fixing the green band, this was the final image.


Sidetrack Over - Back to the Night Scene

Back to the original night scene… here is a crop of the sky from each camera so we can see the difference close up.

You can see small banding/stripes with the 5D Mark IV in addition to the larger purple bands, but the R5 image is fairly smooth with better color and no noticeable banding, even in these crops. The sky in the 5D Mark IV image is essentially unusable. The R5 shows some noise as a result of raising the exposure to +5, but if you look at the whole image earlier in the article, it becomes apparent that you could make a mistake that significantly underexposes a photo but still end up with a usable photo with the R5. The R5 photo has some noise, but it is not catastrophic. This is a giant leap in performance over any of Canon’s previous photo camera bodies.

Here is another crop from the +5 exposure crank:

Again we see the 5D Mark IV pickup green in the deep shadows below the white board, but the R5 manages to have more detail, less noise, and better color.

Below is a crop of one of the hot spots, so we can see how the highlights are handled:

These hotspot areas are not very exciting to look at (in fact, it hurts my brain), but we can actually see that there is more detail around the edge of the hot spot in the R5 image. The R5 allows you to see the shape of the light spread more than the 5D Mark IV, and we can see more of the wood texture near the left edge of the highlight by the screw. Not very exciting, but it’s nice to see that highlight handling also appears to be slightly improved.

Another interesting observation is how much better the noise looks around the hotspot above the railing. The R5’s higher resolution sensor makes the noisy pixels smaller, which contributes to an overall smoother appearance.

Another Exposure Crank, Just for Fun

I did an architectural photoshoot recently that included twilight photos, and one of the cameras I had setup was the Canon EOS R5. Just for fun, I took an underexposed photo and cranked it to +4.35 in Adobe Lightroom. Here are the original and modified photos, along with what the final image looked like after blending multiple ambient exposures:

This is so much better than any of Canon’s previous camera bodies! Although I like the look of the final image better after spending time blending multiple exposures, look at how close to the final image I was able to come by simply cranking the exposure to +4.35 and dropping highlights to -100! The original photo makes you think no information was captured in the grass, trees, bushes, or other seemingly lost areas. But somehow the information is there, with a minor but acceptable noise penalty, and you can bring it out the completely dark areas with some simple sliders in Lightroom. Crazy!


I have produced tens of thousands of final images using the Canon EOS 6D and Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. When I switched from the 6D to the 5D Mark IV, I did notice a slight improvement in dynamic range and shadow handling. But this is a major advancement for Canon who had previously been dabbling with small, incremental improvements here and there. Going from the EOS 5D Mark IV to the EOS R5 is not a small, incremental improvement… it’s like a whole new generation of technology.

Other advantages the R5 has over the 5D Mark IV that I’ve found useful already:

  • 50% increase in resolution (45-megapixels instead of 30)

  • “Focus Guide” for manual focusing, even if your lens doesn’t have AF (it allows you to place a focus point on your screen that indicates if a subject is in focus, focused too far to infinity, or too far towards close)

  • Exceptional Eye AF for people and animals

  • Access to all of Canon’s lenses, whether they are EF or RF mount (EF mount lenses require Canon’s EF to EOS R mount adapter)

Trying out my new Canon EOS R5 on the Lighthouses &amp; Pier in Grand Haven, Michigan.  Love the new manual focus guide!

Trying out my new Canon EOS R5 on the Lighthouses & Pier in Grand Haven, Michigan. Love the new manual focus guide!


If you’re debating the upgrade from a previous Canon camera body, I hope this article provided useful information. If you found this article helpful, feel free to use a product link from this page, and I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!

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Products Mentioned in this Article

Canon EOS 6D (this link is to the 6D Mark II)

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Megapixels vs. Sensor Size: Can the Mavic Air 2 Beat the Phantom 4 Pro?

I got ahold of a Mavic Air 2, and I just had to know how its higher resolution images compared to the 20 megapixel Phantom 4 Pro and its 13.2 x 8.8mm sensor. If the sensor sizes were the same, I would expect the sensor with more pixels to be the winner. But how do they compare when the higher resolution photos are from a much smaller sensor (6.4 x 4.8mm)? Let’s take a look.

See Also: DJI Drone Sensor Size Comparison Page
See Also: DJI Air 2S Review: Has DJI Finally Created a Superior Successor to the Phantom 4 Pro??
See Also: DJI Mavic 3 vs. DJI Air 2S - Image Quality Tests, Comparison and Review
See Also: Pelican 1400 Protector Case - A Customizable Waterproof Case for DJI Mavic Series Drones

( This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks!)

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When DJI announced the Mavic Air 2, I was a bit surprised at its max photo resolution of 8000x6000. Why, that’s 48 megapixels from a 6.4 x 4.8mm sensor! Considering all their more expensive drones with larger sensors produce images around 20 megapixels, what is going on with the camera on this new little drone?

I have had a Phantom 4 Pro for a few years, and they haven’t really released a sub-$2,000 drone with a better camera (as of July 2020). The Mavic 2 Pro is the closest to the Phantom 4 Pro with the same sensor size and photo resolution (though it is 28mm instead of the Phantom 4 Pro’s 24mm), but the Phantom 4 Pro from November 2016 still has better video specs than the Mavic 2 Pro.

2021 Update: DJI has now released the DJI Air 2S (also known as the Mavic Air 2S) which is a MUCH better drone than the Mavic Air 2. See my other article that tests the image quality of the DJI Air 2S vs. the Phantom 4 Pro.

I got ahold of a Mavic Air 2, and I just had to know how its higher resolution images compared to the 20 megapixel Phantom 4 Pro and its 13.2 x 8.8mm sensor. If the sensor sizes were the same, I would expect the sensor with more pixels to be the winner. But how do they compare when the higher resolution photos are from a much smaller sensor? Let’s take a look.

For the first shot, I took both drones to a lake:

The first thing I noticed is the Mavic Air 2’s max resolution is a 4x3 ratio (like a smartphone), whereas the more expensive drones (and most professional cameras) have a 3x2 ratio.

Both images seem great overall, so let’s take a closer look. For the first crop, I zoomed way in to the house on the little pointe in the upper left corner of the main shot:

The first thing I notice when comparing these two crops is that the Phantom 4 Pro seems to produce a much “cleaner” image with less random noise overall. The Mavic Air 2’s noise has the effect of making the image look like it was painted onto a rough texture when we are zoomed in extremely far. The Phantom 4 Pro (P4P) handles the trees with more sharpness and clarity, and produces less noise on the water. The brown house looks sharper and cleaner on the P4P with a sharper, cleaner, more defined shape.

One area I might give a win to the Mavic Air 2 (MA2) would be the shape of the boats to the right of the house. The MA2 picked up the shape of the boats better than the P4P, though there is a bit of noticeable color fringing.

The next crop is the closer house in the middle of the main images:

Again we can see the P4P produces a cleaner image overall. The window lines are more clearly defined and less noisy, the trees are more natural looking and defined, and the shingles on the roof look more natural and defined.

It is interesting to look at the MA2’s effect on the roof shingles at this extreme level of zoom… it’s almost as if the roof shingles have completely changed into an entirely different pattern.

That’s not to say the MA2 lost in every way… I think it did a better job of defining the curved line where the grass meets the cement, and a nicer job with the curved steps on the back patio area. I also think the MA2 did a better job defining the patio furniture in the upper left corner of this crop, and some of the roof lines seem sharper and more defined.

The last crop at the lake will be the boat, lift, and dock to the left of the houses in the middle of the main images:

In the above cropped images the P4P handles the tree leaves much better on the right. The MA2 turns the leaves into odd shapes that almost look like a painting. The P4P also did a better job with the water, as you can see the waves & ripples more clearly defined with less noise. The P4P also has less color fringing on the bright areas like the dock and raft.

The MA2 managed to define the shape of the blue boat lift canopy by the dock better, albeit with more noise than the P4P.

For the next setting I went to a park located north of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and took a shot facing south towards the city. Below are the main shots, which seem similar in quality and would be fine to use in most professional projects:

The first crop will be the big building to the right of the river:

The P4P handles the windows and lines on the buildings in this crop much better, with less noise and a more defined & natural look. The buildings and trees in the background are cleaner, sharper, and more defined. The supports under the nearest bridge are also clearer and sharper. Nothing in this crop jumped out at me as looking better on the MA2.

The next crop we can meticulously analyze will be the buildings in the distance to the left of the river:

I will have to give the win to the Phantom 4 Pro! Cleaner, sharper, more defined, more natural looking.

The MA2 does seem to have more sharpness and definition in the construction crane on top of the building though.

The last crop of the city photos will be some of the closer buildings to the left of the river:

In the above crops it seems like the MA2 again pulls a little more definition in the construction cranes. In this image I found it a little tougher to declare a winner, but the P4P does do a better job with the lines and windows on buildings. The P4P also better defines the tree line and buildings in the background near the upper right corner.

For the final photo location, I took the Phantom 4 Pro and the Mavic Air 2 to a golf course on a hot, hazy summer morning:

The first crop will show the area directly in front of the clubhouse:

In the above crop, the MA2 seems to pull more definition if you look at the roofs on the golf carts. But if you look at the shadow of the big tree in the upper left corner, there is a lot more noise in the MA2 image. Also, the P4P continues to handle the appearance of tree leaves much better (especially the tree on the right).

Next, we’ll zoom in to the shed by the little pond:

If you look at the door on the shed and the shingles on the roof, the P4P shows less noise and more definition, contributing to a more natural look. The water is less noisy on the P4P photo, and… this is the last time I will need to say it… but the leaves and grass on the P4P are more defined.

In the last comparison crop, we’ll take a look at the cars in the parking lot. This was a useful crop because it shows a big difference between the two cameras:

Look at all the sun glares on the cars in the MA2’s photo, and you will see… rampant purple! Look at the same glares in the P4P images, and you see the purple fringing is much more controlled. Wherever you have high contrast bright spots, you will often see purple fringing on the MA2.

I cranked the purple defringe amount to 7 under Adobe Lightroom’s manual lens correction panel, and here is the result:


Lightroom was able to correct the purple fringing for the most part, so that’s good that it’s a fairly easy fix.


I wanted to answer the question, “Are megapixels more important than sensor size?” I think we can answer that question with a “probably not.” In this case, the larger sensor on a 2016 Phantom 4 Pro was able to produce generally better images than a smaller sensor from 2020, even though the smaller Mavic Air 2 produces images with more than twice as many pixels. The P4P’s images were cleaner and handled trees, water, and buildings with more clarity & detail.

(I use the phrase “probably not” because the Mavic Air 2 from 2020 would beat a 6 megapixel APS-C camera sensor from 2006, but that’s obviously an extreme comparison)

That being said, whether you use a Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic 2 Pro, or Mavic Air 2, you have a more than capable drone that can capture quality photos & video for a variety of projects in a variety of environments. It will be hard to tell the difference between an image produced on a Mavic Air 2 and a Phantom 4 Pro (other than the aspect ratio) when you’re looking at the entire image. Whether you’re shooting aerial photos for real estate, landscape photography, or for fun, any of these drones are great options! So here are some additional thoughts I have on the Mavic Air 2 that may help you decide if it’s right for you.

Mavic Air 2 Pros

  • Super compact, easily fits in a camera bag or carry-on bag

  • Propellers fold in for transportation without detaching them

  • Relatively quiet and unobtrusive (especially compared with a Phantom 4 Pro)

  • Costs half as much as a Phantom 4 Pro or Mavic 2 Pro

  • Super simple remote app for beginners

  • Produces great images for most purposes

  • Only with extreme cropping & zooming will you notice a benefit with the larger, more expensive drones

Mavic Air 2 Cons

  • Bigger & more expensive drones produce moderately better images that may be helpful for larger prints

  • I feel like it is more likely to be attacked by or accidentally collide with birds than a larger, louder drone (fortunately I haven’t personally confirmed this)

  • Remote app and camera options might feel too limited and minimal for professionals (you have to use “DJI Fly,” not the “DJI Go” app)

  • If you want burst shooting or Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB), you have to shoot at 12 megapixels, not 48

2021 Update: DJI has now released the DJI Air 2S (also known as the Mavic Air 2S) which is a MUCH better drone than the Mavic Air 2. See my other article that tests the image quality of the DJI Air 2S vs. the Phantom 4 Pro.

Hopefully this article has been helpful. If you want to support more articles like this, feel free to use any link on this page if you make a purchase. Thanks!

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Side Note: This test is also relevant when considering how modern day smartphones are starting to have huge megapixel numbers that are higher than the megapixel numbers of large full-frame cameras. Does that mean that smartphones are as good as full-frame cameras?? The answer is “probably not,” because full frame cameras have much larger sensors.

Products Mentioned in this Article on Amazon

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Canon Announces New R5 and R6 Cameras, Begins Pre-orders

MELVILLE, NY, July 9, 2020 – With anticipation at a fever pitch, Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, is excited to introduce the company’s next generation of full-frame mirrorless cameras – the EOS R5 and EOS R6. These groundbreaking cameras are the result of many years of collecting and listening to feedback from Canon users and are sure to meet the needs and demands of a variety of creators. The EOS R5 is a camera designed for professional applications featuring a new 45-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and uncropped 8K video recording up to 29.97 fps.

The Secret Is Out: Canon Officially Announces The Canon EOS R5 and R6, The Company's Most Advanced Full-Frame Mirrorless Cameras Ever

The Company is Also Announcing Four RF Lenses, Two RF Lens Extenders, and a PRO Printer

( This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks!)

MELVILLE, NY, July 9, 2020 – With anticipation at a fever pitch, Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, is excited to introduce the company’s next generation of full-frame mirrorless cameras – the EOS R5 and EOS R6. These groundbreaking cameras are the result of many years of collecting and listening to feedback from Canon users and are sure to meet the needs and demands of a variety of creators. The EOS R5 is a camera designed for professional applications featuring a new 45-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and uncropped 8K video recording up to 29.97 fps. The EOS R6 is geared towards advanced amateurs featuring a 20.1-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and 4K video recording up to 59.94 fps. The addition of the EOS R5 and the EOS R6 cameras within the EOS R series lineup further solidifies Canon’s commitment to providing the equipment needed for users to bring their content to the next level.

Canon is also introducing four RF lenses and two RF lens extenders: The Canon RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM, Canon RF600mm F11 IS STM, Canon RF800mm F11 IS STM, and RF85mm F2 MACRO IS STM lenses. All four new lenses were designed to meet the ever-expanding demands of the skilled creatives who capture amazing imagery using EOS R series cameras, including the new EOS R5 and EOS R6. In addition to the lenses, there are two new RF lens extenders, a 1.4x and a 2x model, allowing for users to take their compatible RF lens focal lengths even farther, and a 13-inch professional printer, the imagePROGRAF PRO-300, to bring photos to life through the power of print.

“For all of the Canon research and development team members who worked tirelessly on the production of these new products, today marks the culmination of a long journey. For those people looking for the next great tools to work with to expand their creative possibilities, the door is now wide open,” said Tatsuro “Tony” Kano, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Canon U.S.A.’s Imaging Technologies & Communications Group. “The industry has asked for new products that can push their levels of creativity to new heights, and we are confident that the EOS R5 and EOS R6, alongside the new lenses, lens extenders, and the pro printer, will fulfill those needs and more.”

Canon EOS R5 and EOS R6

Both the EOS R5 and EOS R6 cameras have the ability to capture the action of a variety of fast-moving subjects with impressive accuracy and speed. When using the mechanical shutter, each can shoot up to 12 fps and up to 20 fps when using the completely silent shutter. Both cameras are the first to be outfitted with Canon’s advanced Dual Pixel CMOS AF II which utilizes up to approximately100 percent coverage of the AF area and EOS iTR AF X incorporating AF tracking algorithms using deep learning technology and enhanced readout speed of the CMOS sensor and processing speed thanks to the DIGIC X image processor. The 1,053 automatically selected AF Zones are made even more potent by the ability to detect the human eye, face or head as well as the eye, face or body of animals such as dogs, cats and even birds[i]. Adding to the feature set is the 5-axis In-Body Image Stabilizer, having coordinated control with Optical Image Stabilizer in IS equipped RF lenses. This provides up to 8 stops[ii] of shake correction, a feature that many creators have long asked for from Canon. Both the EOS R5 and R6 cameras come with a new LP-E6NH battery with a higher capacity than the previous model.

As the new flagship model in the EOS R series lineup, the EOS R5 camera has features that pack a punch for a variety of users who create both still and video content. It has a powerful 45-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and is driven by the speedy DIGIC X image processor, giving wide dynamic range as well as boasting an ISO range of 100-51,200 that is expandable up to 102,400[iii]. In a camera full of eye-popping features, one that really stands out is the ability to record uncropped 8K RAW internal video recording up to 29.97 fps and 8K internal video recording up to 29.97 fps in 4:2:2 10-bit Canon Log (H.265)/4:2:2 10-bit HDR PQ (H.265). The camera can also record 4K internal video recording up to 119.88 fps in 4:2:2 10-bit Canon Log (H.265)/4:2:2 10-bit HDR PQ (H.265). External recording in 4K is also available up to 59.94 fps. When in DCI modes, the 8K and 4K video recording is uncropped and Dual Pixel CMOS AF II is available in all 8K and 4K recording modes. Additional features of the EOS R5 camera include:

  • Dual-card slots: 1x CFexpress[iv] and 1x SD UHS-II[v]

  • Built-in 0.5-inch OLED EVF with approximately 5.76 million dots and a 119.88 fps refresh rate[vi]

  • 3.2-inch 2.1 million dots vari-angle LCD touch screen

  • 5GHz/2.4GHz Built-in Wi-Fi®[vii] and Bluetooth[viii] Technology with the ability to utilize the application, as well as optional WFT-R10A wireless file transmitter with Ethernet support

  • Enhanced operating controls such as rear-dial, multi-controller

  • The ability to voice tag photos and videos

  • Weather, drip and dust sealing on par with the EOS 5D series

The EOS R6 camera is well-equipped with a host of new features to push the limits of creativity for imaging enthusiasts. The combination of the EOS-1D X Mark III based 20.1-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor and the DIGIC X image processor produces an ISO range of 100-102,400 and is expandable to 204,800. Internal video recording at 4K is capable up to 59.94 fps or 1080p up to 119.88 fps in 10 bit 4:2:2 Canon Log(H.265) or HDR PQ(H.265). The camera also features a built-in 0.5-inch OLED EVF with approximately 3.69 million dots and a 119.88 fps refresh rate[vi]. Additional features of the EOS R6 camera include:

  • Dual UHS-II SD card slots

  • 3-inch 1.62 million dots vari-angle LCD touch screen

  • 2.4GHz Built-in Wi-Fi®[vii] and Bluetooth Technology[viii] with the ability to utilize the application

  • Enhanced operating controls such as rear-dial, multi-controller

  • Weather, drip and dust sealing on par with the EOS 6D series

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DJI Announces the 48-megapixel Mavic Air 2

“Created to make capturing unique, high-quality content from the air simple, fun, and safe, Mavic Air 2 offers flagship capabilities in a compact and easy to use folding drone that features 8K functionality. A larger 1/2” camera sensor offers high-resolution photos and videos to make content stand out, while advanced programmed flight modes, intelligent features and imaging technology make capturing professional-looking content effortless. Pilots can now stay in the sky longer with an enhanced maximum flight time, capture vivid imagery with completely revamped autonomous capabilities, and wholly transform their content with in-app editing features.”

See Also: Pelican 1400 Protector Case - A Customizable Waterproof Case for DJI Mavic Series Drones

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The new 48-megapixel DJI Mavic Air 2

The new 48-megapixel DJI Mavic Air 2


From the DJI Press Release: “DJI, the global leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging technology, today ushers in a new era of aerial creativity with the Mavic Air 2 drone, combining high-grade imaging, intuitive yet advanced flight performance and revolutionary smart and safe technology in the best all-around drone we’ve ever made.

Created to make capturing unique, high-quality content from the air simple, fun, and safe, Mavic Air 2 offers flagship capabilities in a compact and easy to use folding drone that features 8K functionality. A larger 1/2” camera sensor offers high-resolution photos and videos to make content stand out, while advanced programmed flight modes, intelligent features and imaging technology make capturing professional-looking content effortless. Pilots can now stay in the sky longer with an enhanced maximum flight time, capture vivid imagery with completely revamped autonomous capabilities, and wholly transform their content with in-app editing features.

“Mavic Air 2 is another milestone for DJI, demonstrating that our smartest consumer drone does not have to be the largest,” said DJI President Roger Luo. “While the Mavic Air 2 bears all the hallmarks of the Mavic drone family, we had to completely rethink its design and development process. Our goal was to create a drone that offered the best overall experience possible to even the most novice pilot. We hope our drones can help boost creativity and become a fun yet educational experience that can be enjoyed, even at this unprecedented moment in history.”

Robust Imaging Capabilities for Every Type of Creator

The new Mavic Air 2 reimagines how quality content can be captured in a portable, folding drone. No matter the skill level of the pilot, Mavic Air 2’s features and technology are sure to appeal to every creative visionary. Mavic Air 2 is the first drone in the Mavic series to offer 4K video at 60 fps and 120 Mbps. Additionally, users can record unique content using HDR video, 4X Slow Motion in 1080p at 120 fps or 8X Slow Motion in 1080p at 240 fps. Pilots can record 12-megapixel images or choose a new high-resolution 48-megapixel feature that photographs in stunning detail, while a mechanical 3-axis gimbal helps compensate for camera shake to create smooth and stable footage, even in unpredictable scenarios. Taking full advantage of the large Quad Bayer 1/2" sensor, the Mavic Air 2 is the perfect tool to take creativity to the next level with a suite of image capture modes. The newly added SmartPhoto records 12-megapixel photos using advanced scene analysis and deep learning to automatically choose one of three image capture options.  

  • HDR photos: Mavic Air 2 automatically captures seven varying exposures of the same photograph, merging them together to bring out a highly dynamic image. 

  • Hyperlight: Hyperlight is designed for low-light scenarios, taking multiple photographs and merging them to bring out a clear image with less of the noise which usually occurs in low-light scenes. 

  • Scene Recognition: Mavic Air 2 can recognize five categories of scenes including sunsets, blue skies, grass, snow, and trees, then optimize settings to make the photograph pop by bringing out the highest degree of color, detail, and tones.


Unparalleled Flight Performance 

Mavic Air 2 completely rebuilt the basics of drone flight to open up the skies for more exploration for everyone who is passionate about drone technology. Despite only weighing as much as a small water bottle at 570 grams, the Mavic Air 2 features new motors, new electronic speed controllers (ESCs), enhanced battery technology and an aerodynamic design to provide a maximum flight time of up to 34 minutes. DJI’s proprietary OcuSync 2.0 transmission technology has been upgraded to deliver an extremely reliable and stable HD video feed from the drone at a maximum distance of 10km. OcuSync 2.0 supports both 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz frequency bands and uses an auto-switching feature to move between the two based on signal strength, while anti-interference technology blocks unwanted signals to keep the video feed clear. 

Setting a New Standard for Drone Safety 

Mavic Air 2 is equipped with unprecedented new safety features to help make flying as safe as possible. Obstacle sensors on the front and rear of the drone warn pilots when they’re too close to an object and can also be set to stop the drone from moving any closer to avoid collision. Additional sensors and auxiliary lights on the bottom of Mavic Air 2 assist with several functions including smooth, automatic landing even in difficult lighting. Mavic Air 2 also comes equipped with our GEO geofencing solution to help keep drones away from the highest-risk locations, such as busy airports.

Advanced Pilot Assistance System (APAS) 3.0 brings the next level of autonomous flying to DJI drones. When users enable APAS 3.0, as obstacles come into the drone’s path, Mavic Air 2 will create a new path around, under or over the object to avoid collision, giving pilots the confidence to fly in more complex situations while focusing on capturing their ideal images. Using 3D mapping, the updated version aids in smooth transitions and more fluid movements around objects even in highly complex environments. 

In accordance with DJI’s industry-leading 10-point Elevating Safety vision published last year, Mavic Air 2 is also DJI’s first consumer drone designed to include AirSense technology, which provides enhanced safety by warning drone pilots of other aircraft nearby. AirSense uses aviation technology known as ADS-B to receive signals from nearby airplanes and helicopters, and displays their location on the drone pilot’s control screen. As these other aircraft approach the drone, AirSense will warn the drone pilot with messages, sounds and vibrations, enhancing the pilot’s awareness and ability to move the drone safely away. 

“DJI has an unwavering commitment to enhance drone safety with technology, and Mavic Air 2 implements yet another pioneering safety solution for drone operations,” said DJI Vice President of Policy & Legal Affairs Brendan Schulman. “Our ambitious commitment to installing ADS-B in our new product models means Mavic Air 2 will be the world’s largest single deployment of ADS-B receiver technology, fulfilling and furthering our vision as the industry’s leader on voluntary safety efforts.”

Powerful Intelligent Features 

Mavic Air 2 is packed with optimized intelligent features allowing users to quickly and easily record images and video that deserves to be shared with the world. FocusTrack is the most advanced tracking feature on any DJI drone and offers three different capture modes:

  • ActiveTrack 3.0: Select a subject for Mavic Air 2 to automatically follow. The third iteration of ActiveTrack uses state-of-the-art mapping technology and new flight path algorithms to offer improved subject tracking and obstacle avoidance, along with the ability to quickly re-engage the subject if it temporarily moves behind an object.

  • Point of Interest 3.0: Set an automated flight path around a specific subject. The updated iteration improves surface recognition to better dynamically track subjects.

  • Spotlight 2.0: Found in professional DJI drones, Spotlight locks a subject in the frame while the user has free operation of the drone’s movement.  


A Hyperlapse feature brings the visual appeal of timelapse but with the added element of the drone physically moving. For the first time, Hyperlapse can be shot in a max resolution of 8K while pilots can choose four flight modes including Free movement, Circle, CourseLock and WayPoints. Pilots can also choose from several pre-programmed flight maneuvers known as QuickShots, which use a 3-axis mechanical gimbal and electronic image stabilization for unmatched video quality. Simply tap the desired mode and Mavic Air 2 will automatically create stunning, cinematic content. Pilots can choose Rocket, Circle, Dronie, Helix, Boomerang or Asteroid. 

Intuitive App, Convenient Editing and a Wealth of Accessories

An updated version of the DJI Fly app adds more advanced functionality for Mavic Air 2 while maintaining its user-friendly navigation. New tutorials get users familiarized with the drone and quickly in the air to start capturing compelling footage. Easy to use in-app editing features make the DJI Fly app a one-stop tool to edit and adjust the footage captured. Mavic Air 2 will be supported by a host of additional useful accessories including a shoulder bag, ND filter sets, propeller guards, protective case, tablet holder for the controller and monitor hood.”

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The Good, the Bad, & the Beautiful - Using Teleconverters & Extenders

The Benefits, Disadvantages, & Considerations of Using Teleconverters/Focal Length Extenders with your Lenses.

The Benefits, Disadvantages, & Considerations of Using Teleconverters/Focal Length Extenders with your Lenses

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So you wish you had an 800mm lens, but they can be a little pricey. Or, maybe you already have a 70-200mm lens and just want some extra focal length occasionally, but not frequently enough to justify the purchase of an additional lens. Depending on your photographic intentions, an extender (some call them teleconverters) might be the perfect fit.


You typically install the teleconverter on the lens first, and then attach the lens (with the teleconverter) to the camera body. The effect this has is essentially a magnification of what is showing in the center of your telephoto lens, effectively increasing your focal length. If you install a 1.4x extender you’ll see a 40% increase in focal length, and with a 2x extender you’ll see your focal length double. Different camera manufacturers have compatibility charts to show you which lenses the extenders are compatible with, you make sure you check their specifications to make sure your lens is compatible.


The Benefits

Teleconverters are a really a great option for a number of reasons. If you want to travel somewhere to photograph a subject at 800mm but only have space and weight limit for a 100-400mm lens (Canon’s EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM lens is 10 lbs & 18 inches long vs. the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM which is only 3.5 lbs & less than 8 inches long), you could add a 2x teleconverter to your 100-400 zoom to attain 800mm in a more travel-friendly package.


Another obvious benefit is the price. Using a teleconverter to get you above 600mm is going to be a fraction of the cost of buying a lens with a focal length over 600mm.

Teleconverters also open up possibilities that otherwise would not be possible. For example, if you own a Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED, you could pop on one of their teleconverters and carry around a 400-1000mm zoom lens!

Everything looks better at 1000mm!  This photo of the Lighthouse in South Haven, Michigan at sunset was taken with a 2x teleconverter on a 100-500mm lens.

Everything looks better at 1000mm! This photo of the Lighthouse in South Haven, Michigan at sunset was taken with a 2x teleconverter on a 100-500mm lens.


The Disadvantages & Considerations

Fortunately for teleconverter users, the sharpest part of a lens is typically the center, which is what extenders are magnifying. That being said, images produced by a dedicated 800mm lens are going to be sharper and cleaner than a 400mm lens with a 2x teleconverter. Considering the price difference, that should be expected! Teleconverters can magnify lens imperfections like chromatic aberration and softness, whereas an enormous 800mm lens with an equally enormous price tag is designed to be tack-sharp at its focal length.

The more noticeable disadvantages of teleconverters are all related to the fact that they reduce the amount of light the lens captures by preventing you from using the widest aperture the lens could otherwise offer. If you think about how big the glass is on an 800mm f/5.6 lens compared with the size of the glass on a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens, a loss of lens speed makes sense, because the aperture number (or f-stop) is the focal length divided by the diameter of the entrance pupil. Since a teleconverter increases the focal length without increasing the diameter of the lens glass, the aperture ratios are all higher. This means if you put a 1.4x extender on a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens, you will now have a 140-560mm f/6.3-8 lens. If you put a 2x extender on a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens, you’d now have a 200-800mm f/9-11 lens.

Considerations for the reduction in lens speed include:

  • Autofocus might be slower, limited, or unavailable, depending on the extender and lens combination

  • Camera shake will be more of a concern since you are using longer focal lengths and cannot use wide open apertures

  • A DSLR’s optical viewfinder will be noticeably darker, because you don’t have access to the widest aperture as you would without the extender

  • Manual focusing might be more difficult in low light whether using an optical viewfinder or the live view on a mirrorless or DSLR camera, because live view & electronic viewfinders will be noisier due to the slower lens speeds

Since most of the disadvantages of using focal length extenders/teleconverters are related to reduced light, that will be what most people should consider when deciding whether or not to use one. If you rely heavily on fast autofocus or use autofocus to track moving subjects, a teleconverter might be more difficult or impossible to use. If you are hand-holding the camera in lighting conditions other than bright daylight, ISO might have to increase enough to add noise to your photos.

If you’re able to use a sturdy tripod while shooting it will help negate some of the effects of the slower lens speeds and longer focal lengths.


There are alternatives to using teleconverters to zoom into far away subjects without slowing down your lens. One of those would be to use a high-megapixel APS-C camera. Since APS-C cameras have a crop factor of around 1.5 or 1.6, you could put your full-frame compatible lens on a compatible APS-C camera and get 1.5x the focal length without losing lens speed and auto focus capabilities. Of course, this would be a useless exercise if you own a 61-megapixel full frame camera and throw one of the full-frame compatible lenses on a 30-megapixel APS-C! But, if you’re comparing a 30-megapixel full frame with a 30-megapixel APS-C, it might be useful to get 1.5x longer focal length on the APS-C.

Another option would be to simply use a high megapixel camera and crop the image in post-processing. Since Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, and Sony all make at least one model of camera body that is at least 45 megapixels, you could crop the image significantly to make it look like you used a much longer focal length, and still have enough detail to use the image for many purposes.

Hopefully that gives readers and focal-length enthusiasts a better idea of what teleconverters/extenders can do, and how they affect camera use. As mentioned at the top, if you found this article helpful and use a product link to make a purchase, I’ll make a small commission. Thanks!

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Don't Let an Inadequate Tripod Do *This* to Your Photos! (Highly Detailed Rant)

An inadequate tripod can cause you problems you didn’t even know existed. This article looks at what types of tripods are available, and what you can expect at different price points.

(Why starting out with a better tripod than you think you need will save you time, money, and frustration)

When I first thought I might want to try part-time real estate photography in 2012, I had the same thought as many beginners: “I’ll put all my money into a sweet camera and lens! Oh, and I guess I should stop at Best Buy and grab a $20 tripod or something.” Ha! If only I could go back and give my younger starry-eyed self some help. =) I suppose that’s what I’m doing now for others who might be getting started in some type of photography that is new to them, whether for money, fun, or both.

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The dreaded “Single Exposure Jiggler”

Before buying a new tripod, it’s important to think about why you are buying a tripod, and what you want the tripod to do. Is it so you can take longer exposures in low light or in the daytime with a Neutral Density Filter? Are you going to be shooting multiple exposures from the same spot with varying shutter speeds in order to create High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) photos? Are you going to be compositing images in Photoshop and need multiple images to line up precisely? Do you want to capture star trails in the night sky over the course of 2 hours? Do you need to quickly move through a house and compose 30 shots for a real estate photoshoot?

Whatever your intentions may be, consider the basic function of a tripod: to consistently hold your camera still enough for the amount of time required to capture the photo(s) you want to take.

When you hold a camera with your hand and take a photo, you have to use a shutter speed fast enough for the camera sensor to capture light before your hand moves too much. The general rule for a full frame camera (with no image stabilization in the lens or camera body) is a shutter speed “number” that is at least twice as high as your focal length. If you have a focal length of 20mm, your shutter speed should be at least as fast as 1/40th of a second. If you have a focal length of 50mm, your shutter speed should be at least as fast as 1/100th of a second. This is just a general rule… if you happen to move your hands too much (or sneeze) at the time the photo is being taken, it can certainly still end up being blurry.


If your hands move too much or your tripod jiggles while your camera is capturing light, you can end up with a blurry photo.


Camera manufacturers have tried to address these shutter speed limitations with stabilization mechanisms built into both camera bodies and lenses. If your camera and/or lens has stabilization built in, you can slow the shutter speeds down a little bit and push the limits of shutter speed guidelines. But even then, shutter speeds will be a limitation in many scenarios. There is a solution to the problem of shutter speeds though, and the solution is… use a tripod!

By mounting your camera on a tripod, you can keep the camera in one place and take very looooooonnnnng exposures or take multiple exposures to your heart’s content, and they will all align perfectly for compositing in Photoshop… right?

The answer is… it depends.

Here are some considerations:

  • How heavy is your camera?

  • Is your camera DSLR or mirrorless?

  • How heavy is your lens?

  • What focal length is your lens?

  • Are you using the camera in a windy environment?

  • Are you planning on extending the center column for additional or quickly adjustable height?

  • What is the weight limit of the tripod?

  • What is the tripod made of (typically $ aluminum or $$$ carbon fiber)?

  • Do you need to composite multiple images?

  • Will you be taking a very long single exposure or compositing multiple exposures taken over a long period of time?

  • Is the tripod built by a company that is known for making great tripods?

When I first started part-time real estate photography in 2012 and used super cheap tripods, I had tripods that would actually “jiggle” when I took a photos, even if I was using a remote trigger. This is because the mirror mechanism in my DSLR at the time would cause vibrations, and combined with a raised center column, the little vibrations from the mirror were strong enough to “jiggle” the tripod & camera. This was especially noticeable when I upgraded from APS-C sensor DSLR camera to a full frame DSLR. This dreaded jiggle would occasionally result in a completely unusable photo! Fortunately, I was taking multiple exposures and could edit my way out of those situations, but when it happened it disrupted my workflow and wasted time. Cheap tripod jiggles can also occur if you’re using a flimsy tripod outdoors for longer exposures when it’s windy.

The Treacherous “Multiple Exposure Drooper” (aka Long Exposure Droop)

Let’s say you have a lovely clear night ahead of you, so you pack some snacks and drive 2 hours to a dark sky park. You figure out the perfect composition, and you setup your new camera with a nice sharp lens. You prepare to take 30-second exposures continuously for 2 hours to create star trails, or maybe a 60-minute single exposure in the dark sky park. So you adjust the tilt of your fancy camera & fancy lens on your (inadequate) tripod head so your composition is perfect and begin shooting. But, by the time you’re done shooting, gravity has pulled your lens down noticeably (or not-so-noticeably) from it’s original position! Bummer, now that image will either be a pain to edit or no good at all! At least you brought snacks to eat while you drive home crying. =)

“Multiple Exposure Droop” can affect your images even if you’re composite shooting with an inadequate tripod head over a short period of time, such as for real estate or architecture. You take a few natural light shots, then you walk around while taking a few flash-lit shots, and unbeknownst to you, the flash-lit shots are slightly misaligned with the natural light shots. Now you have to spend extra time messing around in Photoshop! This happens when your ball head, 3-way head or geared head falls down slightly because of gravity and/or vibrations.


When your tripod head can’t maintain a precise position for a long period of time, misaligned or blurry images can be the result when composite shooting or taking very long exposures.


When I first started I merely intended to shoot simple HDR with no compositing, so I wasn’t aware of “Multiple Exposure Droop” or “Single Exposure Jiggles.” The first tripod I owned (tripod model #1) was super cheap and flimsy, and eventually a leg lock mechanism broke, so I bought another super cheap one, which also broke. I upgraded to a better tripod (tripod model #2), though still relatively cheap (around $75 at the time). One of those legs broke, and the company sent me a replacement leg. But that tripod was flimsy and jiggly, so I upgraded to a name-brand tripod (tripod model #3) that was around $175. That tripod still jiggled with the center column up (which I used frequently for quick adjustments during real estate shoots), but by this time I was doing more compositing with flash and discovered that ball head suffered from “Multiple Exposure Droop.” So, I upgraded to a super heavy duty tripod (tripod setup #4) with a 3-way super heavy duty head (around $500 total) and assumed I was all set. I solved the issue of jiggle, but discovered that despite the tripod and head having maximum payload weights many times higher than the weight of my camera + lens, it still suffered from lens droop when setup for a long period of time! So, I sold that, and a got heavy duty carbon fiber tripod with a heavy duty geared head (tripod setup #5)… and now the camera seems to sit still. No drooping or jiggling. =)

I often think about how much time I would have saved if I had started out with my current tripod and head. I created around 34,000 finished images over the past several years in the realm of real estate & architecture, and most of them were created with inadequate tripods & heads. Since I often composite images, I think about all the time I previously used to spend aligning images that were misaligned due to the tripod head drooping, the tripod legs sliding around, or the occasional workflow interruption caused by a tripod jiggling.  Photoshop’s “Auto-Align Layers” doesn’t always work perfectly. I also think about how much faster geared heads are for real estate & architecture and how much time I would have saved if I had a geared head from the beginning. While everybody has different goals and different situations, I ultimately would have saved time, money, and frustrations if I had bought a high end tripod up front, rather than discover the inadequacies of multiple tripod setups as I progressed through various models.

I ultimately would have saved time, money, and frustrations if I had bought a high end tripod up front, rather than discover the inadequacies of multiple tripod setups as I progressed through various models.

That being said, not everyone needs a high-priced, heavy duty tripod. If I had been content shooting HDR photos for real estate without doing any complex compositing and used a wide angle lens with an APS-C mirrorless camera, I could have easily gotten by with a sub $200 tripod.

In an effort to help others trying to figure out what types of tripods are available, I have a few categories of tripods listed below, along with what you could expect from each based on my experiences. Most of the categories reference using them for professional work, but if you’re looking at tripods for your photography hobby, the sky (and your checking account balance) is the limit! =)

The $20 Sunpak Special

This is about as cheap as it gets for something that can technically be called a tripod. It may break after moderate use, but if you are playing around with a lightweight camera for fun, you could technically buy a tripod for around $20, probably from Sunpak or Amazon Basics. Its legs will probably slide around, it will probably jiggle, and it probably won’t be able to hold a camera in precise position for an extended period of time or for multiple exposures. Maximum payloads for this category of tripod will probably be 4-6 lbs.


The $100-200 “I-Just-Broke-My-Sunpak-Now-I’m-Upgrading” Tripod

For when you’ve broken the legs on your $20 Sunpak and know some realtors who want to pay you to take HDR photos of their listings, the $100-200 tripod/head combo can be adequate for many purposes. If you’re not doing a lot of complex compositing or long nighttime exposures, you could get a decent tripod for your mirrorless camera without breaking the bank. Brands to look at would be Benro or Manfrotto. As a side note, Benro monopods with feet are great stands for 360 cameras. Tripods in this price range might have a maximum safety payloads of around 9-17 lbs. I would not use a DSLR camera on one of these because the vibrations caused by the mirror will shake these tripods a bit… but a mirrorless APS-C camera should work fine for simple exposure bracketing.


The $300-900 “I’m-A-Professional-Photographer-and-Want-High-Quality-Support” Tripod

At this point, you’re serious about photography and are willing to spend at least a few hundred bucks for a functional tripod & head that project professionalism to your clients. You don’t necessarily need the tripod head to maintain a precise position for hours, but you’d like it to be stable and durable. At this level, you have to decide if you want carbon fiber or aluminum. Carbon fiber tripods are about 20% lighter than aluminum, and the legs are more rigid, but they are more expensive than aluminum. Manfrotto currently sells its 055 3-Section Tripod (legs only, no head) as aluminum or carbon fiber. They both have a 20-pound safety payload with the same height, but the carbon fiber version weighs 4.41 lbs whereas the aluminum version weighs 5.51 lbs. The carbon fiber version is currently $320, whereas the aluminum version is $180. Carbon fiber will probably be more pleasant to use in cold environments. Benro also sells the Mach3 2 Series Carbon Fiber Tripod (TMA27C) for around $310 with a 30 lb load capacity.


Both Manfrotto and Benro make tripod kits in this category, with maximum safety payloads of around 20 lbs. It’s a great idea to get a tripod and head with maximum payloads that greatly exceed the weight of your camera and lens to maximize stability.


With tripod setups in this category, you might be buying legs separately from the head (instead of purchasing a kit), so make sure both will meet your needs.

If you’re doing a lot of architecture and real estate, you will definitely want to consider a geared tripod head. The more times you setup your camera and level it per hour, the more time you will save during each job with a geared head! With a ball head or standard 3-way head, you have to loosen the head and adjust the camera each time, which can be an imprecise and tedious process. One thing that can happens with many cheaper non-geared heads is that the camera moves slightly from the position you want when you are locking it down. For example, if you’ve gotten your composition perfect and it’s time to tighten the ball head, the act of tightening the head can move the camera slightly, and it won’t be precisely where you want it anymore. I found this to happen even with a heavy duty 3-way head with a 26.5-pound load capacity! With a geared head, you don’t have the problem of unlocking it, setting the position, and then locking it down again and hoping it stays in place… you just make the precise adjustment you want to make, quickly, accurately, and easily. Any real estate shooter should definitely consider it! Some geared heads in this price range would be the Manfrotto 405 Geared Head, the Manfrotto 410 (Junior) Geared Head, and the Benro GD3WH Geared Head.


If you’re looking for a good ball head, you could look at a Really Right Stuff BH-55, Gitzo GH3382QD Series 3 Center Ball Head, ProMediaGear BH-1 Ball Head, or the Arca-Swiss Monoball Z1.


At the upper end of the sub $900 tripod setups, Gitzo also has the Series 1 Traveler Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head. Gitzo is the same company as Manfrotto & Bogen, but probably represents their higher-end products vs. the Manfrotto lines.


The $1,000+ “I-Want-To-Capture-2-Hour-Exposures-At-Night-In-High-Winds-At-600mm” Tripod

OK, so the title of this category of tripods is a mild exaggeration, but it summarizes some of the reasons you’d be looking at this class of camera support. Whether you’re shooting architecture, landscapes, star trails, or the milky way, you want your tripod and head to be durable, stable, “beefy,” and precise in a variety of environments. Some of the brands that produce the $1,000+ photography tripod legs are Really Right Stuff, Gitzo's Systematic Line, and ProMediaGear. The legs are all carbon fiber, and they are designed for stability when using big lenses and heavy camera setups.


Besides the legs, the tripod head is super important. Some of the ball heads mentioned in the previous section will be great options. Some high-end geared heads to consider would be the Arca-Swiss C1 Cube (probably the best tripod head available), the Arca-Swiss d4, or the Manfrotto 400 Geared Head.


Test Your New Tripod Setup During the Return Period

Since there are so many tripod legs and heads available, it’s a great idea to test out any new tripod during the return period to make sure it will do what you want to do. Don’t simply take the shiny new tripod out of the box and say, “looks good, and it wasn’t damaged in shipping.” Remember, as I mentioned previously, I discovered after it was too late that my $500 tripod setup allowed the lens to droop down slightly over time when doing complex compositing! (I did not link to that tripod in this article so as not to lead others astray, ha!)

If you’re going to be compositing images taken over the course of 10 minutes for architecture or milky way photography, set up the camera you’re going to be using and take pictures for 10 minutes. Then, see if the first images you take at the start of 10 minutes align with the last images you took over 10 minutes in Photoshop. If they don’t line up perfectly, is it close enough that you will be happy using it?

If you are going to be using the tripod with a super telephoto lens, setup the camera with that lens and take 10-20 photos, indoors and outdoors, at slow, medium & fast shutter speeds with the stabilizer both on & off to see if the camera vibrates too much for your purposes. Zoom into 4x in your editing program to see if the photos have motion blur.

Test any cameras and lenses you have with a new tripod, doing things that you will be doing for your job or for fun. Try to discover the limits of the tripod! If you find the tripod or head have trouble doing what you need to do or you’re already pushing its limits with normal tasks, it’s best to discover the issues and decide what to do when you still have the option to return them.

If the tripod setup is vibrating too much, the culprit usually would be the tripod legs and/or center column. If the camera lens seems to lose altitude while taking lots of exposures over the course of time, the culprit is probably the tripod head.

If you push the limits of your new tripod with long focal lengths, long exposures, and windy conditions and it does a great job in a variety of situations, you’re good to go!

I hope the frustrations I’ve experienced with several tripods over the years can be helpful to someone who is just getting started. There’s a lot of options, but if you buy a little more tripod than you need up front, you won’t regret it! =)

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If You're Shooting Architecture or Real Estate, Omni-Directional Lighting is Your Friend

A look at the benefits of using omni-directional globe lanterns for architecture.

- For when natural light or flash ceiling bounces won’t cut it -

See Also:
What Equipment Do I Use? Taking a Look at Lights
The Many Faces of the Godox AD200
Godox V860II Flash vs. Godox V1

( This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks!)

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I’ve been photographing architecture and real estate for several years. When I first started, I shot natural light only (using no flashes or lighting). This means I set my camera on a tripod, and for each image I wanted to produce I would take multiple exposures with varying shutter speeds to capture a wide dynamic range on site. Then at home on my computer, I would merge the exposures either manually or with HDR software. This approach can be helpful in some ways, but after a while I wanted to produce higher quality images with more control over how they look. I eventually started shooting with multiple lights, typically using walls and ceilings to bounce light.

Bouncing lights off walls and ceilings is great! They are like great big reflectors that produce soft light for your architectural scene. But what do you do when you encounter a scenario with dark wood or dark paint colors everywhere? I’d arrive at a location, and as I was walking up to the door I’d think to myself, “Oh buddy, this place looks huge! I hope they have white ceilings!”

I didn’t really know the best way to approach large spaces with dark walls and ceilings initially, so I started with the traditional classic: shoot-through umbrellas (STU’s). They are fairly multi-directional, but you don’t get an even spread of light to the sides of the STU, and half the light bounces backwards away from your scene. They can also be a bit awkward if you’re trying to hand-hold them. There are some STU’s & umbrella-like softboxes that resolve the backwards loss of light by including a reflective silver backing, such as the Westcott Round Halo. I didn’t buy those because I was looking for something I could hand-hold and fit through doors easily, and something that produced a more even spread of light to all sides.

After trying out STU’s, softboxes, beauty dishes, & bounce umbrellas (all which are wonderful for many uses other than large architectural spaces), I discovered globe lanterns. I have been using them on my Godox AD600’s, and if you want to send light evenly throughout a large space, there’s nothing better! You just twist off the basic reflector, unfold the lantern, and twist it on.

In some of the flash images you might see me holding a “light on a stick,” which consists of a Wooster Sherlock Extension Pole, a Godox V1 or V860II (see my other article for more information on that), and a cold shoe flash stand adapter. Depending on whether I’m using the Godox V1 or V860II, I often use a Gary Fong Diffuser or the Godox AK-R11 Dome Diffuser. When I want to produce light in smaller spaces where a giant globe lantern wouldn’t be practical or possible, the “light on a stick” saves the day!

I wish someone had told me about omni-directional diffusers when I first started using flash! If you’re just starting out and weren’t sure how to approach architectural spaces where natural light isn’t great and ceiling bounces won’t work very well, I hope you found this information useful. I certainly would have! =)

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Omni-Directional Diffusers Used in the Images Above

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Canon Announces Development of the Mirrorless EOS R5

From Canon’s Press Release: “Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced that its parent company, Canon Inc., is developing the highly anticipated Canon EOS R5 full-frame mirrorless camera. The camera will feature a newly designed CMOS sensor and new image processor, along with new state-of-the-art optical technologies the company has been able to cultivate through its long history of groundbreaking camera and digital imaging solutions development. In addition, Canon plans to release seven RF lenses and two RF lens extenders that are currently in development. These new photography tools will help to continue to strengthen the EOS R system and cement the RF mount as an industry leader.”

The Canon EOS R5, an advanced new mirrorless camera under development.

The Canon EOS R5, an advanced new mirrorless camera under development.


From Canon’s Press Release:

Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced that its parent company, Canon Inc., is developing the highly anticipated Canon EOS R5 full-frame mirrorless camera. The camera will feature a newly designed CMOS sensor and new image processor, along with new state-of-the-art optical technologies the company has been able to cultivate through its long history of groundbreaking camera and digital imaging solutions development. In addition, Canon plans to release seven RF lenses and two RF lens extenders that are currently in development. These new photography tools will help to continue to strengthen the EOS R system and cement the RF mount as an industry leader.

“Today’s announcement comes as a direct result of the tireless effort of Canon engineers who have been tasked with developing the next generation of Canon EOS R camera and RF lenses to help elevate the popular system that was announced in 2018,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “In developing the new camera, Canon listened to extensive user-feedback from a variety of photographers. The outcome is a camera and lenses that will delight a variety of shooters and further helps to demonstrate Canon’s commitment to full-frame mirrorless cameras and lenses.”

The EOS R System was initially developed to provide engineers with the ability to design lenses that were thought to be impossible to create previously. The wide lens mount diameter, shorter back focus, and high-speed system for transmitting data between camera and lens have resulted in an imaging system that delivers higher image quality and greater ease-of-use than ever before. 

The new full-frame mirrorless camera currently under development will fully leverage the advantages of the EOS R System, helping to produce a camera that features high-speed continuous shooting and 8K video recording. Furthermore, the camera will provide photographers with more efficient workflows thanks to improved transmission functionality, operability and reliability. These enhancements, along with many others, will help to further elevate and solidify the EOS Series concept of “Speed, Comfort and High-Image-Quality.”

Canon’s EOS R5, the first of the next generation of full-frame mirrorless cameras planned for EOS R System, will include a newly developed CMOS sensor. The new sensor will enable enhanced features such as high-speed continuous shooting up to approximately 20 frames-per-second (FPS) when using the silent shutter and up to approximately 12 FPS when using the mechanical shutter – A feature professional sports and wildlife photographers will find to be extremely impactful on their ability to capture fast-moving subjects. From a video perspective, the camera’s 8K video capture capability will prepare videographers for the future of movie-making- capturing 8K footage today allows for even higher-quality 4K productions in addition to the ability to extract high-resolution still images from the video footage. The EOS R5 will be the first Canon camera equipped with IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) and when used in conjunction with the extremely effective in-lens stabilization (IS), will allow photographers to handhold the camera in light levels not previously imagined. Additionally, the camera will also feature dual-card slots and will support the automatic transfer of image files from the device to the new cloud platform. 

Alongside the EOS R5, Canon is also developing seven RF lenses and two RF lens extenders scheduled for release during 2020, including the RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM, Extender RF 1.4x and Extender RF 2x.”

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Nikon Announces the New D6 Full-Frame DSLR

Today, Nikon Inc. has unveiled the D6, a new professional-grade DSLR built for those in need of extreme reliability and ultimate performance. The D6 addresses the needs of professionals and press agencies and is faster and more powerful than ever before. Offering the most powerful AF system in Nikon’s history, this flagship DSLR camera delivers crucial improvements to modern workflow while also accelerating file transfer capabilities. Promising unparalleled low-light performance, powerful agility, advanced 4K UHD multimedia capabilities and a mechanical shutter frame rate boosted to a staggering 14fps, the D6 will redefine the way pros work. 


From the Nikon Press Release:

“Today, Nikon Inc. has unveiled the D6, a new professional-grade DSLR built for those in need of extreme reliability and ultimate performance. The D6 addresses the needs of professionals and press agencies and is faster and more powerful than ever before. Offering the most powerful AF system in Nikon’s history, this flagship DSLR camera delivers crucial improvements to modern workflow while also accelerating file transfer capabilities. Promising unparalleled low-light performance, powerful agility, advanced 4K UHD multimedia capabilities and a mechanical shutter frame rate boosted to a staggering 14fps, the D6 will redefine the way pros work. 

“The D6 is purpose-built and inspired by the valuable feedback of professional users,” said Jay Vannatter, Executive Vice President of Nikon Inc. “The world relies on photojournalists and professionals to document every corner of the globe through impactful images; Nikon cameras are trusted to stand up to any job and help photographers capture the shot, time and time again.”

The Most Powerful AF in Nikon’s History: The D6 leaves nothing to chance. To maximize hit rate, it is equipped with a newly developed, densely packed 105-point AF system in which all the focus points utilize cross-type sensors and all points are selectable. Through the new focus point layout and the use of a triple-sensor arrangement for each focus point, the D6 achieves AF coverage that is approximately 1.6x denser than that of the D5. The D6 also sports an expanded focus detection range which increases the detection area for single point AF and dynamic area AF, making it easier to achieve focus on a subject even when slightly outside the focus point.

Improving upon Nikon’s popular Group AF mode, this function has evolved with support for 17 custom arrangements from which users can choose according to the scene or subject movement. The D6 also demonstrates superior low-light AF performance. The center focus point works down to -4.5 EV1 and the others to -4 EV, making autofocus possible even in dark situations or with low-contrast subjects.

Unparalleled Performance: The new EXPEED 6 engine's superior image-processing capabilities combined with the vast amount of information provided by the new dedicated AF engine drives high-level performance in any situation. To help capture the decisive moment consistently, the D6 boasts a 14fps2 mechanical shutter with full AF and AE. The D6 can also shoot completely silent for sensitive situations, capturing full resolution at 10.5 fps. For faster frame rates, the Nikon D6 is able to take 2-megapixel images at approx. 60 fps and 8-megapixel images at 30 fps in Live View mode.

The D6 leverages a 20.8-megapixel FX-Format CMOS sensor, creating images that pop with stunning detail and true colors and exhibit incredible dynamic range. The ISO ranges from 100 to 102,400, which helps to preserve sharpness and subtle details in even the most challenging light. Additionally, ISO is expandable up to 3.2 million, giving photographers the ability to truly conquer the dark. 

Concentration on Workflow: Building on Nikon’s history of serving professionals, the D6 is the most customizable Nikon DSLR yet, designed to speed up the workflow of any user during and after capture.
Recall shooting functions create combinations of settings that can be assigned to a specific button to get the perfect shot in a pinch
-The D6 
excels in connectivity and supports the same 1000BASE-T Ethernet standard as the D5, with an approximate 15% increase in transmission speed. The camera also supports a number of options for wireless networking, offering built-in 2.4- and 5-GHz*3 Wi-Fi®4 or traditional wireless transfer using the WT-6 Wireless Transmitter (optional)
-Includes 14 
customizable buttons, assignable to any of 46 unique function choices and a new intuitive menu system
Priority Image Transfer gives the ability to move an important image to the front of the queue when speed is of paramount priority, which can easily be done by swiping the touch LCD during playback
Security Lock compatibility supports connection of anti-theft cables to provide maximum security for remote applications or when the camera is unattended
Built in GPS5 gives accurate time, date and location information for just about anywhere on the planet
Dual CFexpress6 slots offer blazing fast read/write times and have the ability to overflow, copy or separate file types
JPEG functions allow for the simultaneous recording of two JPEG images with different image size and quality settings, which is convenient for separating images that will be transmitted from those that will be edited
Creativity options for multimedia creators including a new interval timer mode to retain the best resolution and enable in-camera time-lapse movie file recording providing professionals the ability to create exceptionally sharp 16:9 4K Ultra HD video

Absolute Reliability: Nikon’s flagship cameras remain trusted in the industry and have been proven on the sidelines, in the studio and even in outer space. With a magnesium alloy camera body and extensively weather-sealed design, the D6 is as tough as the professionals who use it, ready to take on the harshest shooting conditions. The camera offers long-lasting battery life, delivering the safety net and energy-saving performance that pros need on daylong outings. The D6 also employs a USB-Type C connector for faster direct-to-PC file transfer rates than previously possible with the D5.

Endless Lens Choices: By pairing the D6 with Nikon’s extremely diverse selection of F-Mount NIKKOR telephoto lenses, professionals have the most advanced imaging solution in Nikon’s history. No matter the job, the client or the location, there’s a NIKKOR lens, from the ultra-wide to the super-telephoto. The D6 is also compatible with Nikon’s line of creative Speedlights, offering extra creative freedom to enhance natural light and add artistry and drama to any scene.

Pricing and Availability  

The new Nikon D6 will be available in April 2020 for a suggested retail price (SRP) of $6,499.95 for the body only configuration.”

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Camera Gear, Original Article Dan Zeeff Camera Gear, Original Article Dan Zeeff

How to Use an External Microphone with a GoPro Fusion or GoPro Max

Steps to using an external microphone with a 360 camera if there are no audio inputs.

(Or the Insta360 One X…or many other 360 cameras for that matter)

You just bought that shiny new GoPro Max and you want to record a realtor talking on the beach patio for an oceanside 360 video shoot, but the ocean is overpowering the realtor’s voice in the GoPro mic. Or maybe you’re trying to record a restaurant owner talking about their business on location, but the ambient noise prevents their voice from being heard clearly using the built in mics. Time to get your trusty external microph… oh wait, where does this thing plug in????

360 video cameras are unique in that they record video in all directions using 2 or more lenses, so the videos can be stitched together to create a 360 video. This means if you were to have cables coming out of the camera, they’d probably show up in the video. For this reason and whatever other reasons, your only option for recording high quality vocal audio (especially in places with lots of ambient noise) for many 360 cameras is to record with an external mic and a separate device with audio recording capabilities. This article takes a look at the steps involved with recording audio with a separate device, and then syncing it with the video taken by the 360 camera.

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Step 1) Find a device that can record audio (you probably already own one)

If you have a phone, you can probably record audio with it. Whether you have Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, or something else relatively recent, there are multiple audio recording apps you can use on the various app stores.

Some of the audio recording apps available on Apple’s App Store.

Some of the audio recording apps available on Apple’s App Store.


Step 2) Get a wireless microphone system

You may already have a wireless mic system (transmitter & receiver), or you may be starting to look at options. When I recently recorded a 360 video in a bar with a host/narrator, I used the Rode Wireless Go mics, which are a great option. They are super lightweight and small enough that the narrator can just clip the transmitter/mic to their lapel, and you’re ready to roll. I have used these mics both with and without the optional Rode Lavalier Mic. In situations where you want to minimize ambient noise, I would opt for using a lavalier mic, but if you’re OK with a little ambient noise then you probably don’t need it (I recorded someone talking 20 feet from a busy road with just the basic Rode Wireless Go kit, and it allowed a little bit of the traffic noise in the background, but the person’s voice was clear). If you want to be safe, you could use the lavalier mic and you’ll still have the ability to add in ambient noise using the audio captured by the 360 camera once the audio is synced, which I’ll explain later in this article.

One thing to remember if using this system is to keep the receiver as close as possible to the transmitter/mic. Rode advertises them to work at “a line-of-sight range of up to 70m,” but if a person’s body or wall comes between the pair, the range can shorten significantly. In many cases, I will hide the Rode receiver (attached to my iPhone) in the 360 scene with the narrator where the camera can’t see it, rather than taking the phone with me and hiding around the corner of a wall. This minimizes the chance of audio intermittently cutting out.

In order to plug the receiver into my iPhone, I had to use an Apple Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter and a Rode SC7 3.5mm TRS to TRRS Patch Cable.

The Rode Wireless Go Microphone system, hooked up to an Apple iPhone.

The Rode Wireless Go Microphone system, hooked up to an Apple iPhone.


Step 3) Start Recording

When you have your wireless mic system hooked up to your phone (or other recording device), you’re at the scene you want to shoot, and you or another narrator is ready to speak, it’s time to record! After pushing record on the 360 camera and also the smartphone, have someone clap near enough and/or loud enough to overcome other noise happening in the scene. Just a single clap will suffice… don’t applaud until your client mails you a check! =) This will give us a nice audio spike that will allow you to easily sync the audio in post-processing. To make it easier on yourself in post-processing, clap a single time before each video section, and before each take. Then you can trim out bad takes and manage your project easier in your favorite video editing app.

Step 4) Sync the audio to the video in your editing app

After you import your stitched 360 video in a video editing application like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere, it’s time to sync the external mic’s audio with the 360 camera’s audio. If you add the external mic’s audio into your timeline, you can see graphically where your audio spikes are from somebody clapping before speaking:

Syncing Audio between an External Mic and a 360 Camera in Post-Processing

Syncing Audio between an External Mic and a 360 Camera in Post-Processing

All you have to do is line them up, and then playback the video a couple times to make sure they are exactly aligned. You want the external mic’s audio track to be so perfectly aligned that it sounds like a single person clapping one single time. Repeat for each clip.

Once you have the audio tracks perfectly aligned, you can also decide how much audio you want from the camera to come through. For example, if you were recording audio next to the ocean, you could reduce the 360 camera’s audio track to 20% volume, rather than eliminate it completely. Or, if the narrator didn’t start talking right away, you could leave the camera’s audio at 100% and then fade it down as the narrator started speaking. As long as the audio tracks are perfectly aligned, you’ll have a lot of flexibility in regards to what the final video will sound like.

And that’s all there is to it! Hopefully that will give you a few helpful ideas about recording with a 360 camera and processing audio from external mics. Even if your scenario isn’t described here, hopefully it will give you a few ideas.

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A Few 360 Camera Options

Insta360 One X2
5760 x 2880 Video, 6080 x 3040 Photos

*Note: They have an optional microphone adapter that allows for external microphone input, but you might end up with the mic in the 360 video if you attach it directly to the camera

GoPro Max
5376 x 2688 Video, 5760 x 2880 Photos

Ricoh Theta Z1
3840 x 1920 Video, 6720 x 3360 Photos

Ricoh Theta V
3840 x 1920 Video, 5376×2688 Photos

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Canon, Nikon, & Sony Full-Frame Digital Camera Product History Timeline

A timeline of all Canon, Nikon, and Sony full-frame interchangeable lens digital cameras, listed by announcement date along with megapixels, video quality, shots-per-second capabilities, and direct links to the downloadable instruction manuals.

I created a timeline for DJI product releases and found it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would do a product history timeline for the “big three” camera manufacturers: Canon, Nikon, and Sony. I didn’t want to simply list the camera model and number of megapixels because that doesn’t really tell enough about essential functionality, so the list includes megapixels, still images per second (continuous shooting in RAW with an ideally fast card), video shooting resolution & frame rates, mirrorless vs. DSLR, and lens mount type. This list is currently limited to full frame interchangeable-lens cameras for simplicity. I may make a more complex timeline in the future with more camera brands, but full-frame cameras from these three manufacturers are currently a huge share of the high-end professional camera market, so this will be a good start for now. =)

The information on this page is mostly a combination of info from Canon, Sony, & Nikon support websites. This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Enjoy!

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Sep 2002 - Canon EOS-1Ds

  • 11.1 Megapixel, 3fps with 10 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2004 - Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II

  • 16.7 Megapixel, 4fps with 11 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2005 - Canon EOS 5D

  • 12.8 Megapixel, 3fps with 17 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2007 - Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III

  • 21 Megapixel, 5fps with 12 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2007 - Nikon D3

  • 12.1 Megapixel, 9fps with 18 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jul 2008 - Nikon D700

  • 12.1 Megapixel, 5fps with 23 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2008 - Canon EOS 5D Mark II

  • 21.1 Megapixel, 3.9fps with 14 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2008 - Sony Alpha 900

  • 24.6 Megapixel, 5fps with 12 shots max burst, DSLR, Sony A-Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Dec 2008 - Nikon D3X

  • 24.5 Megapixel, 5fps with 24 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2009 - Sony Alpha 850

  • 24.6 Megapixel, 3 fps with 16 shots max burst, DSLR, Sony A-Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2009 - Nikon D3s

  • 12.1 Megapixel, 9fps with 42 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1280x720 24fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2011 - Canon EOS-1D X

  • 18.1 Megapixel, 14fps with 38 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jan 2012 - Nikon D4

  • 16.2 Megapixel, 11fps with 92 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2012 - Nikon D800 & D800E

  • 36.3 Megapixel, 4fps with 21 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Mar 2012 - Canon EOS 5D Mark III

  • 22.3 Megapixel, 6fps with 18 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2012 - Canon EOS 6D

  • 20.2 Megapixel, 4.5fps with 17 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2012 - Sony a99

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 6fps with 13 shots max burst, DSLR, Sony A-Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2012 - Nikon D600

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 5.5fps with 22 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2013 - Sony a7

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 5fps (max RAW burst shots not stated by Sony), Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2013 - Sony a7R

  • 36.8 Megapixel, 4fps (max RAW burst shots not stated by Sony), Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2013 - Nikon D610

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 6fps with 21 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Nov 2013 - Nikon Df

  • 16.2 Megapixel, 5.5fps with 37 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2014 - Nikon D4s

  • 16.2 Megapixel, 11fps with 133 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Apr 2014 - Sony a7S

  • 12.2 Megapixel, 5fps (max RAW burst shots not stated by Sony), Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jun 2014 - Nikon D810

  • 36.3 Megapixel, 5fps with 47 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2014 - Nikon D750

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 6.5 fps with 25 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Nov 2014 - Sony a7 II

  • 24.3 Megapixel, 5fps (max RAW burst shots not stated by Sony), Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2015 - Canon EOS 5DS & Canon 5DS R

  • 50.6 Megapixel, 5fps with 14 shots max burst, DSLR, EF Canon Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jun 2015 - Sony a7R II

  • 42.4 Megapixel, 5fps with 23 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2015 - Sony a7S II

  • 12.2 Megapixel, 5fps, 31 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jan 2016 - Nikon D5

  • 20.8 Megapixel, 12fps with 200 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2016 - Canon EOS-1D X Mark II

  • 20.2 Megapixel, 16fps with unlimited max burst (until card is full), DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 4096x2160 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2016 - Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

  • 30.4 Megapixel, 7fps with 21 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 4096x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2016 - Sony a99 II

  • 42.4 Megapixel, 12fps (max RAW burst shots not stated by Sony), DSLR, Sony A-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Apr 2017 - Sony a9

  • 24.2 Megapixel, 20fps with 241 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jun 2017 - Canon EOS 6D Mark II

  • 26.2 Megapixel, 6.5fps with 21 shots max burst, DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 1920x1080 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2017 - Nikon D850

  • 45.7 Megapixel, 9fps with 170 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Oct 2017 - Sony a7R III

  • 42.4 Megapixel, 10fps with 76 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2018 - Sony a7 III

  • 24.2 Megapixel, 10fps with 89 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Sep 2018 - Canon EOS R

  • 30.3 Megapixel, 8fps with 47 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2018 - Nikon Z6

  • 24.5 Megapixel, 12fps with 35 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Nikon Z Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Aug 2018 - Nikon Z7

  • 45.7 Megapixel, 9fps with 23 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Nikon Z Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2019 - Canon EOS RP

  • 26.2 Megapixel, 5fps with unlimited max burst (until card is full), Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jul 2019 - Sony a7R IV

  • 61 Megapixel, 10fps with 68 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

October 2019 - Sony a9 II

  • 24.2 Megapixel, 20fps with 239 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Nov 2019 - Canon EOS Ra (specifically for astrophotography)

  • 30.3 Megapixels, 8fps with 47 shots max burst, Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jan 2020 - Canon EOS-1D X Mark III

  • 20.1 Megapixel, 20fps with unlimited max burst (until card is full), DSLR, Canon EF Mount

  • Shoots video at 5472x2886 (12-bit RAW) 60fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Jan 2020 - Nikon D780

  • 24.5 Megapixel, 12fps with 100 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual here.

Feb 2020 - Nikon D6

  • 20.8 Megapixel, 14fps with 200 shots max burst, DSLR, Nikon F Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Nikon D6 here.

Jul 2020 - Canon EOS R6

  • 20.1 Megapixels, 20fps with 240 max burst, Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots video at 4K 60fps (manual not yet available for exact resolution)

  • Download the User Manual for the Canon EOS R6 here.

Jul 2020 - Canon EOS R5

  • 45 Megapixels, 20fps with 180 max burst, Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots video at up to 8K 8192x4320 29.97fps RAW or 4K 4096x2160 119.97fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Canon EOS R5 here.

Jul 2020 - Nikon Z5

  • 24.3 Megapixels, 4.5fps, Mirrorless, Nikon Z Mount

  • Shoots video at 3840x2160 30fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Nikon Z5 here.

Jul 2020 - Sony a7s III (designed to be primarily a 4K video camera)

  • 12.1 Megapixels, 10fps with 1,000+ max burst, Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots video at up to 4k 120fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Sony a7s III here.

Oct 2020 - Nikon Z 6II

  • 24.5 Megapixels, up to 14fps, Mirrorless, Nikon Z Mount

  • Shoots video at up to 3840x2160 30 fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Nikon Z 6II here.

Oct 2020 - Nikon Z 7II

  • 45.7 Megapixels, up to 10fps, Mirrorless, Nikon Z Mount

  • Shoots video at up to 3840x2160 60fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Nikon Z 7II here.

Jan 2021 - Sony Alpha 1

  • 50.1 Megapixels, up to 30fps with 155 max burst (Compressed RAW), Mirrorless, Sony E-Mount

  • Shoots Video up to 8K 30fps or 4K 120fps

  • Download the User Manual for the Sony Alpha 1 here.

Sep 2021 - Canon EOS R3

  • 24.1 Megapixels, up to 30fps, Mirrorless, Canon RF Mount

  • Shoots Video up to 6K 60fps RAW or 4K 120fps

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Godox V860II Flash vs. Godox V1 (A.K.A. Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2) Comparison

A look at the differences between the Godox V1 and the Godox V860II, with a brief look at the Godox AK-R1 Accessory Kit for Round Flash Head.

(And a brief look at the Godox AK-R1 Accessory Kit for H200R Round Head)

See Also: What Equipment Do I Use? Taking a Look at Lights

When you are deciding what speedlight to buy, it’s extremely helpful to see some of your options in action. This post takes a look at the Godox V860II (same as the Flashpoint Zoom Li-on R2 sold by Adorama) and the more recently released Godox V1 (same as the Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 sold by Adorama). At the time of this writing, the Godox V1 sells for $259 (has TTL & there is no cheaper manual-only version) while the V860II TTL sells for $179, or $139 for the manual-only version (the manual version is called the V850II and the TTL version is called the V860II). So what’s the difference between the V1 and the V860II?

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Here are some of the more important specs for comparison purposes (click on the titles at the top to see similarities & differences):


After looking at the specs for these two lights, the item that stands out most to me is full power flashes per charge. It’s fascinating that the older V860II gets 650 full-power flashes on a 2000mAh battery, and the new V1 gets 480 full-power flashes on a 2600 mAh battery. This means that the V1 uses more power per flash, which is probably related to the fact that the head is bigger, and they designed it to produce a wide and smooth light with a gradual falloff.

I wanted to compare the light output of the flashes in two ways: brightness and balance. Let’s take a look at balance first.

As you can see in the images above, the Godox V1 has a smooth & gradual light fall off, with no lines and without contrasting bright and dark areas. The Godox V860II clearly shows the pattern of the fresnel head, with a large bright circle in the middle, and then sudden and contrasting waves of uneven light. This is not important if you are using light modifiers or bouncing off walls, but if you plan on using direct flash without a softbox, umbrella, or omnidirectional dome diffuser, then this can become a consideration. It is also important to remember that if you add a light modifier like a softbox, you will be reducing the brightness of the light dramatically.

Next, let’s compare brightness.

When bouncing off a white object like these white blinds, the brightness of the Godox V860II and Godox V1 are very similar. It seems that the V860II is less than 0.3 of a stop brighter, so if you are using umbrellas, reflectors, or walls for bouncing light, you probably won’t notice much difference between the two.

It’s All About the Round Head

The difference between the Godox V1 and the Godox V860II all comes down to that round head. Besides having a smoother & more balanced light output, the round head also makes it possible to use the Godox AK-R1 Accessory Kit for Round Flash Head. It’s a magnetic ring system that makes the various accessories super quick and easy to mount or even stack. It comes with a few color filters, a grid, a snoot, a bounce card, barn doors, and an omnidirectional dome diffuser.

Having used both lights quite extensively for architectural interiors (along with a few other Godox lights), I have found the magnetic system to be very convenient and even time-saving. With the Godox V860II, if I wanted to use a grid, color filter, or go omnidirectional, I would use little velcro straps to attach things that wouldn’t sit perfectly flush or straight. I often had light leaking out the sides of color filters, then I’d fiddle around with them over and over. With the magnetic ring system on the Godox V1, the grids, filters and dome diffusers are super quick to attach and solid as a rock, with no light leak and no worries that you are going to bump them out of alignment. If you want additional filter colors, it’s easy to cut a circle from a color filter sheet, or even buy the Godox Color Effects Set for Round Flash Heads. The AK-R1 Round Head Accessory Kit also works with the AD200 H200R Round Head.

So, should you buy the Godox V1, or the cheaper Godox V860II? I think the answer is: it depends.

Buy that shiny new Godox V1 if:

  • you have traditional speedlight accessories and are sick of fiddling around with velcro or rubber straps

  • you don’t have a speedlight yet but want one with an accessory system that’s quick and easy to manage

  • you plan on using a lot of direct, unmodified flash

  • the round head accessory kit looks sweet

Save money and get the Godox V860II if:

  • you never use small modifiers

  • you only bounce off walls, umbrellas, and other reflectors

  • you never use direct, unmodified flash

  • you already have a bunch of traditional speedlight accessories and modifiers that you like

I hope this article helps clarify the main differences between these two lights. The V860II is definitely not being replaced by the V1… it is still a great cost-effective option to consider for many people looking at purchasing a new speedlight.

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Below are some of the products mentioned in this article:

Accessories & Modifiers for traditional speedlights:

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Canon Announces First Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera For Astrophotography

Targeting the needs of astrophotographers, the new EOS Ra full-frame mirrorless camera incorporates many advanced features of the EOS R, such as RF mount design, a 30.3MP CMOS sensor, high-precision electronic viewfinder, high-sensitivity, low-noise performance and 4K time-lapse shooting.

Canon announces the EOS Ra, a full-frame mirrorless camera specifically for astrophotography. This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!

Canon announces the EOS Ra, a full-frame mirrorless camera specifically for astrophotography. This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!

From the Canon Press Release:

“In the words of poet Quintus Ennius, “No one regards what is before his or her feet; we all gaze at the stars.” Helping to gaze and capture the beauty of the stars and beyond, Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced the company’s first full-frame mirrorless camera for astrophotography, the EOS Ra. This new camera was built off the EOS R system combining new features, such as four times greater transmittance of hydrogen-alpha (Hα) light of 656.3 nm compared to the original EOS R. For astrophotographers and hobbyists who enjoy capturing the detailed splendor of the night sky, the new EOS Ra will be an ideal camera to shoot with.

“Since the introduction of the EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera system last fall, Canon has remained committed to launching a line of impressive and innovative EOS R models and a strong variety of RF lenses and accessories to meet the needs of every skill level of photographer,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “As a group of photographers who are passionate about capturing what we can’t see with our naked eyes, the new EOS Ra is designed for astrophotographers looking to capture vivid imagery of the night sky.”

Targeting the needs of astrophotographers, the new EOS Ra full-frame mirrorless camera incorporates many advanced features of the EOS R, such as RF mount design, a 30.3MP CMOS sensor, high-precision electronic viewfinder, high-sensitivity, low-noise performance and 4K time-lapse shooting. Optional accessories include an AC adapter kit, which allows the camera to be powered through an AC wall outlet or a battery-powered inverter, a BG-E22 battery grip and three EF-EOS R mount adapters to accommodate the entire range of over seventy EF & EF-S lenses. 

Other features include: 

  • Enhanced transmission of Hα rays (656.3 nm wavelength) through an infrared cutoff filter, helping to capture high-precision images of the deep-red wavelengths emitted by nebulae in vivid color, without any special camera alterations.

  • A 30x maximum magnification, allowing users to make extremely precise manual focus adjustments*.

  • Support for all Canon RF, EF and EF-S lenses (with the use of an optional EF-EOS R mount adapter), including more than 70 lenses from the EF series as well as RF series lenses, which deliver superb image quality. The variety of lenses, such as the large-diameter f/1.2 lenses, ultra-wide-angle lenses, and super-telephoto EF lenses, among others, are all well suited to help photographers to choose the best match for their specific astrophotography purposes.

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Canon Announces The Development Of The EOS-1D X Mark III Camera

Continuing Canon’s rich heritage of creating first-rate optical products, the EOS-1D X Mark III offers an enhanced autofocus system, with dramatically improved still and video image quality and communication. When using this camera, professionals will have the confidence they will get ‘the shot’ and can deliver it at a competitive speed – faster than ever before – ideal for the increasingly fast-paced industry.

Canon announces development of the EOS-1D X Mark III.

Canon announces development of the EOS-1D X Mark III.

From the Canon Press Release:

“Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced that its parent company, Canon Inc. is developing the highly anticipated Canon EOS-1D X Mark III Camera – the successor to the world-renowned and award-winning EOS-1D X Mark II. Ideal for sports and wildlife, the flagship DSLR is being engineered and designed using feedback from the worldwide community of EOS-1D X and EOS-1D X Mark II photographers. Continuing Canon’s rich heritage of creating first-rate optical products, the EOS-1D X Mark III offers an enhanced autofocus system, with dramatically improved still and video image quality and communication. When using this camera, professionals will have the confidence they will get ‘the shot’ and can deliver it at a competitive speed – faster than ever before – ideal for the increasingly fast-paced industry.

“The innovations put forth by the new EOS-1D X Mark III will set the new standard for professional DSLR cameras and further cement Canon’s commitment to its professional photographers,” said Kazuto Ogawa, president and chief operating officer, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “In developing the new camera, Canon listened to extensive user-feedback from professionals out in the field. The result is a camera that has evolved from its predecessor and maintained the overall quality that professional photographers have come to expect from the Canon EOS-1D series.”

Need for Speed

The Canon EOS-1D X Mark III will be blisteringly fast - offering exceptional precision, reliability, high-performance autofocus and subject tracking – providing photographers with a tool that will help to capture the shot they are chasing. The camera’s new autofocus algorithm will improve stability and tracking when using both the Optical Viewfinder and in Live View shooting mode, using Deep Learning Technology and adapting to help facilitate accurate focus tracking for every shot. When using the optical viewfinder the camera will use a new autofocus sensor, with approximately 28 times the resolution in the center of the EOS-1D X Mark II. Offering the ability to autofocus in even brighter and darker situations than before and with greater precision, the camera will have a range of autofocus capabilities, which will enable the photographer to get their shot. In Live View mode, users will be able to make use of 525 AF areas using the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system will cover approximately 90x100 percent of the image sensor. The camera will support significantly faster frame rates with full AF and AE, using either the optical viewfinder (up to approximately 16fps mechanical shutter) or Live View (up to approximately 20fps mechanical or electronic shutter). Additionally, the camera’s dual CFexpress card slots will enable more than five times the RAW burst depth of its predecessor. 

Powered to Dominate

The development of EOS-1D X Mark III is a clear example of Canon’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovative imaging products featuring optically excellent technology. The camera will support an all new, Canon-developed, CMOS sensor and DIGIC processor, that will deliver greater image quality, at even higher ISOs, with the ability to capture stills in 10-bit using the HEIF (High Efficiency Image File) file format. HEIF produces wider dynamic range and greater color representation compared to JPEG. The power of 4K resolution brings stories to life – shoot 4K videos including 4K60p with 10-bit 4:2:2 Canon Log internal recording.

Conveniently Connected

For professionals, content delivery is just as important as image capture – the EOS-1D X Mark III will make it easy, featuring built-in Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® low-energy connectivity in addition to GPS technology. To keep pace with ever-shortening deadlines, the camera will transfer data at a fasteri speed than that of the EOS-1D X Mark II when using the built-in Ethernet connection, or the new optional wireless file transmitter – the WFT-E9, which is also compatible with Canon’s recently launched Cinema EOS C500 Mark II camera. Coupled with simpler network set-up the camera will greatly enhance the professional workflow.

A Familiar Feel with Improved Attributes

Existing EOS-1D series users will be familiar and comfortable handling the EOS-1D X Mark III allowing seamless navigation with trusted ergonomics – whilst the magnesium alloy body will offer the durability expected from Canon’s EOS-1D cameras. Professional photographers can trust the same impressive build-quality as the EOS-1D X Mark II – with phenomenal weather-sealing, standing up to harsh conditions, including wind, rain and humidity. With incredible low-light shooting capabilities, the camera will now feature select illuminated buttons that allow for precision operation in challenging, dark and dimly lit conditions. The camera will also offer a new additional control for selecting AF points, built into the AF-ON button, allowing photographers to change AF points on-the-fly for the best composition – further helping to simplify their work. In addition, dramatically improved battery life – with the same LP-E19 – will allow professionals to shoot for longer periods of time, without having to change batteries, helping reduce the chance of missing a shot.”

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Sony Announces The Alpha 9 II Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera

The needs of professional sports photographers and photojournalists working at the highest levels are answered in the new Sony α9 II. Extending on the performance of the original α9, the a9 II combines 20fps speed, no viewfinder blackout and AF/AE tracking at 60 calculations per second with enhanced connectivity, new mechanical shutter, improved weather sealing and robust workflow capabilities.

Sony Introduces the Alpha 9 II Mirrorless Full-Frame Camera. This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!

Sony Introduces the Alpha 9 II Mirrorless Full-Frame Camera. This page contains links to products, so if you find this site useful and use a link to make a purchase, I’ll get a small commission. Thanks!


From the Sony Press Release:

“Sony Electronics today announced Alpha 9 II (model ILCE-9M2). The latest model from Sony’s acclaimed line-up of α (Alpha) full-frame interchangeable lens cameras, the new model has been created to support working professionals in the fields of sports photography and photojournalism.

The new Alpha 9 II builds on the impressive legacy of the original Alpha 9, maintaining groundbreaking speed performance, including blackout-free continuous shooting (1) at up to 20 frames per second (2) with Auto Focus and Auto Exposure tracking at 60 calculations per second (3). Updates include significantly enhanced connectivity and file delivery, continuous shooting at up to 10 fps with mechanical shutter, and evolved AF performance with newly optimized algorithms, re-designed build to enhance durability and operability.

“The voice of our customers is absolutely critical to Sony – we are always listening,” said Neal Manowitz, deputy president for Imaging Products and Solutions Americas at Sony Electronics. “The Alpha 9 II is the direct result of our work with agency, sports and news photographers since the launch of the original Alpha 9. We have added connectivity and network capabilities that drastically improve the professional workflow, while also making enhancements to design, interface and processing power that complete the user experience. Complemented by our extremely versatile E-mount system – with 55 native lenses introduced at this point including super-telephoto 600mm and 400mm G Master™ series lenses – this new camera is a tool unlike any other for professionals, whether in the field or on the field.”

Raising the Bar for Built-in Connectivity in the Professional’s Workflow

The Alpha 9 II includes a built-in 1000BASE-T Ethernet terminal, enabling gigabit communication for high-speed, stable data transfer operations. Additionally, File Transfer over SSL or TLS encryption (FTPS) is supported for increased data security and PC remote (tether) shooting performance is improved, with decreased release time lag and reduced live view screen delay when using the ‘Remote Camera Tool’ desktop application (4). The speed of the camera’s built-in wireless LAN functionality has also been increased, adding a stable and fast 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11ac) (5) band, in addition to the 2.4 GHz provided in the Alpha 9. IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac standards are all supported.

Designed to improve the speed of news agencies’ workflow, the Alpha 9 II features a new Voice Memo function that allows spoken information to be attached to images in the form of voice memos that can be replayed when the images are reviewed. The voice data can also be included with images sent to an editor, giving them important information needed for effective editing. Alternatively, a field photographer can also use the ‘Transfer & Tagging add-on’ “Imaging Edge™” application (6) to transfer voice tags with the images to their mobile device and have the voice memos automatically (7) converted to text and added to the JPEG images in the form of IPTC metadata (8). All of this can be done automatically or manually selected by the photographer.

By combining wireless voice/image transfer and automatic voice-to-text conversion with the ability to auto-transfer images with attached voice memos via FTP, it is possible to shoot and transfer the results to an FTP server without ever having to operate a smartphone. FTP settings within the app can also be sent to a camera via Bluetooth®, allowing for a faster workflow.

The Platinum Standard for Speed & Auto Focus Performance

The new Alpha 9 II shares the same acclaimed 35mm full-frame stacked 24.2 MP (9) Exmor RS™ CMOS image sensor with integral memory as the original Alpha 9, giving it the same unmatched speed performance and outstanding image quality. The new model can shoot continuously and completely silently (10) at 20 fps for up to 361 JPEG images (11) or 239 compressed RAW images (12), with no viewfinder blackout allowing the photographer to follow the subject and action with no interruption to the EVF during picture taking. For times when mechanical shutter is preferred or required, the new Alpha 9 II has been improved to shoot at up to 10 fps, about 2x the speed of the Alpha 9.

The camera is able to function while continuously calculating Auto Focus and Auto Exposure at up to 60 times per second, with newly optimized AF algorithms that provide notably enhanced AF precision and performance, ensuring that even the most erratic subject motion that is associated with sports are captured with high precision. Also useful for sporting events, the camera now offers an anti-flicker shooting (13) mode that automatically detects and adjusts for the presence of fluorescent or artificial lighting to maximize image quality.

The advanced focusing system in the new Alpha 9 II is far beyond the capabilities of any professional camera. Comprised of 693 focal-plane phase-detection AF points covering approximately 93% of the image area, as well as 425 contrast AF points, the Fast Hybrid Auto Focus system achieves extremely fast and accurate performance, ensuring all fast-moving subjects are accurately captured. Additional notable focusing capabilities include Real-time Eye AF with right eye / left eye selection, Real-time Eye AF for animal (14) augmented with a new algorithm, Real-Time Eye AF for movie (15), Real-time Tracking (16), selectable focus frame color, Touch Pad focus point control while using the viewfinder and more. AF can also now continuously track even if continuous shooting is greater than f/16 (17), providing further accuracy for shots that require slower shutter speeds.

Refined Build & Operability

  • Upgraded BIONZ X™ image processing engine gains maximum benefit from the sensor’s fast readout speed; processor works with front-end LSI to enhance speed in AF/AE detection, image processing, face detection and accuracy, and more

  • Upgraded dust and moisture resistant (18) design to meet the needs of professionals in even the most challenging outdoor conditions; stronger sealing provided at all body seams as well as the battery compartment cover and media slot

  • Latest developed image-processing algorithm reduces noise in the medium-to-high sensitivity range while improving subjective resolution and image quality

  • 5-axis optical in-body image stabilization system that provides a shutter speed advantage of 5.5 steps (19)

  • Improved grip configuration for even greater comfort and sure hold; compatible with Sony VG-C4EM Vertical Grip

  • Improved button design and feel; increased diameter and feedback of the ‘AF-ON’ button; a refined multi-selector joystick design; an exposure compensation dial lock button; and a redesigned shape and new position for the rear dial

  • Redesigned shutter mechanism to suppress even the slightest movement that can cause image blur; tested for durability in excess of 500,000 shutter cycles (20)

  • USB Type-C™ connector that supports fast USB 3.2 Gen 1 data transfer

  • Dual media slots that are both compatible with UHS-I and UHS-II SD cards, allowing higher overall capacity and faster read/write speeds

  • Digital audio interface has been added to the camera’s Multi Interface Shoe™ (MI Shoe), enabling the new ECM-B1M Shotgun Microphone or XLR-K3M XLR Adaptor Kit to be connected directly to the MI Shoe for cleaner, clearer audio recordings”

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Canon 16-35mm f/4L IS vs. Canon 16-35 f/2.8L III - Which Lens is Sharper?

My philosophy for landscape photography (though I do love tilt shift lenses for architecture) is to get a small number of fast, sharp zoom lenses so I can cover any focal length I need without carrying a bunch of different prime lenses. That will save space in my camera bag and allow me to spend more time taking photos and less time changing lenses. The question I had was: Is the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III able to capture sharp photos without comatic aberration, and provide fast wide-angle coverage?

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I have been using the Canon 16-35mm f/4L IS for a few years now, and it has been a reliable workhorse. Most reviewers consider it to be sharper than the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L II, and it’s smaller and cheaper, so I never gave consideration to the bigger, faster, more expensive lens. The f/4 lens with image stabilization produces nice images, and I found it to be a worthwhile upgrade from the less expensive Canon 17-40mm f/4L I was using previously.

Lately, however, I have started to daydream (night dream?) about astrophotography and nighttime photography. Taking pictures of stars at night? Milky Way? Auroras? Yes please!

The problem with taking pictures at night is that it’s… at night. It’s really dark out. This means you might want a lens with a faster aperture than f/4 to minimize noise. The other potential issue with photographing the starry sky is something called “comatic aberration.” Camera lenses can suffer from varying degrees of comatic aberration, or “coma,” which causes stars to appear misshapen in your photos instead of round, especially at the edges of the frame. Lens aperture, sharpness, and the possibility of comatic aberration are all considerations when looking at lenses for night photography.

The philosophy of some photographers is to get multiple prime lenses at various focal lengths. A good prime lens can be small, fast, and sharp, but only at a single focal length (24mm, for example). With prime lenses, the manufacturer doesn’t have to make compromises to accommodate multiple focal lengths like they do with a zoom lens. The downside to prime lenses is that in order to cover multiple focal lengths, you have to carry multiple lenses.

My philosophy for landscape photography (though I do love tilt shift lenses for architecture) is to get a small number of fast, sharp zoom lenses so I can cover any focal length I need without carrying a bunch of different prime lenses. That will save space in my camera bag and allow me to spend more time taking photos and less time changing lenses. The question I had was: Is the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L III able to capture sharp photos without comatic aberration, and provide fast wide-angle coverage?

When researching Canon’s 16-35mm f/2.8L III there were multiple websites where I encountered statements like “Canon’s 16-35 f/2.8 III is the same as the f/4 version, except bigger and more expensive, so most people should just get the f/4.” I also saw other research that claimed the new f/2.8 III was sharper, but I couldn’t find image any comparisons of the two lenses for the purpose of astrophotography, so naturally, I had to check it out for myself.

First, I wanted to compare the lenses for standard daytime photography at the wide end (16mm), where most lenses reveal the most distortion. I setup a tripod and took a picture of the same trees from the same spot, with the same settings for the two lenses: Canon 5D Mark IV, 16mm, ISO 200, f/8, 1/320th shutter.

Before I continue, please realize that I am going to be zooming in over 1000% in order to notice slight differences. Both lenses can certainly produce images that are print quality, without question. I just wanted to dig out the pixels to an extreme degree to see if one lens is slightly better than the other.

First, let’s look at the daytime shots.

Here we see two 16mm shots from the two lenses. Settings: 16mm, ISO 200, f/8, 1/320th sec.

Overall, it looks like two standard, sharp daytime shots. In these images I have labeled the areas that I’ll be zooming in to (Auto Focus Point, Comparison Crop 1, and Comparison Crop 2).

Most people wouldn’t notice a difference in sharpness in the above two images.

Next, let’s zoom in to the center of the image, where I pointed both lenses at the top of a tree to autofocus.

Nothing substantial yet, still just looks like two sharp daytime photos at the center of the image. Still pretty difficult to see any difference between the two.

Next, let’s take a look at where lots of lenses tend to reveal their weaknesses… the edges. We can start with Crop area 1 on the left side of the frame.

I was surprised at how sharp the f/2.8L III lens was at the edges in crop area 1 compared to the f/4L! I wasn’t sure if there would be much difference, but the clear winner here was the f/2.8 III, hands down. Again let me reiterate that most people would not notice this if you were looking at the whole image, it’s only when we zoom in to 1300% that these differences become apparent near the edge of the frame.

Next, let’s take a look at crop area 2 on the right side of the frame.

In crop area 2 the f/2.8L III still wins but perhaps less dramatically. It’s most noticeable if you look at the needles on the right side.

Next, let’s take our lenses to a slightly more challenging environment: photographing stars at night.

First, we have the whole scene comparison shots. I added in constellations for reference, and for fun (because why not?). It’s worth noting that the f/2.8 III has an obvious advantage in that it can open up to f/2.8 and capture light twice as fast as the f/4L lens, so to keep it fair, I set both lenses to f/4 and auto focused on some of the house lights across the water.

Settings: Canon 5D Mark IV, 16mm, ISO 3200, f/4, 10 second exposures (stacked in Starry Landscape Stacker to reduce noise)

In those whole scene comparisons you wouldn’t notice any difference between lenses. So let’s zoom in to about 1000% at the center, above the constellation Serpens Caput.

I didn’t see much of a difference at the center, especially considering this is a tiny section of a 30-megapixel image. Next, let’s zoom in to the edges and see what happens. We can start near the feet of the constellation Hercules.

In the above images we can see a slight example of “coma” (comatic aberration) in the f/4 image now that we’ve zoomed in to an extreme degree near the left side of the overall image, near Hercules’ feet. Even though you wouldn’t see it when looking at the whole picture, when we look closely we can see the the stars in the f/4 lens image seem to be shaped like little paper airplanes that are leaking pixels, instead of round stars as they should be. The stars in the image produced with the f/2.8L III lens (set to f/4 to make the comparison even) are rounder and sharper. Since it is a 10 second exposure and we are zoomed in over 1000%, the star movement is slightly apparent, but I was pleased with how sharp the stars were on the f/2.8 III, and happy that it exhibited virtually no coma.

Let’s check the right side of the image near the constellation Virgo.

On the right side of the frame, near the constellation Virgo, the f/2.8L III lens is again the winner. The stars are sharp, round points that have moved slightly over the course of 10 seconds, but the f/4’s stars are slightly blurry from edge softness and shaped like little bats due to the minor comatic aberration going on.

While these slight differences are probably not noticeable to someone looking at the whole image, it is good to know that Canon clearly put a lot of effort into making the 16-35mm f/2.8L III lens optically superior to all of it’s previous 16-35mm offerings, with edge to edge sharpness and virtually no comatic aberration. This is reassuring if you are looking to make large prints of your photos, and a high quality lens with exceptional sharpness will be more able to support a higher megapixel camera in the future. In 2004, Canon’s EOS-1D Mark II was 8 megapixels, and the EOS-1D was only 4 megapixels in 2001! Camera companies in the not-so-distant past were making full-frame lenses for cameras that were either 35mm film or low-megapixel digital. But now that 20, 30, and 50 megapixel camera bodies are standard and meticulous people (like me!) are analyzing lens sharpness at 1300% zoom levels, lenses have to be able to support all those megapixels with high quality optics. What’s the point of all those megapixels if the lens isn’t sharp?

Hopefully you found this helpful in comparing a couple of Canon’s wide angle zoom offerings. I learned a little bit while making this comparison page, and that’s always a good thing. =)

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